examine desk, get gum, examine jacket, examine lining, get cannabis, e, e, examine display, get mask, w, u, w, examine window, get flies, e, d, d, w, get dictionary, e, d, e, e, e, play piano, get herring, w, s, get knife, talk to cook about food, give flies to cook, n, n, examine books, examine book, pull book, s, w, n, examine playground, get clip, w, w, get marker, e, n, get caesium, s, e, e, examine door, open door with clip, s, examine clothes, get blazer, wear blazer, w, cut rope with knife, get rope, e, n, w, s, w, u, w, n, examine brickwork, tie rope to ring, pull rope, get map, s, e, n, remove lid from marker, examine window, drop dictionary on Bladdey, s, u, u, attack first-year [this only works when you carry the knife], get money, get key, examine key, d, d, d, unlock locker with locker key, open locker, get towel, e, n, examine Bladdey, get key, n, examine grass, get ball, cut ball with knife, hide cannabis in ball, w, drop towel, s, get phone, open cupboard, get scissors, n, w, open shed, get t rowel, cut roses with scissors, e, e, n, dig, get translator, s, s, e, e, give ball to sixth-formers, get cue, cook herring, w, w, s, w, u, unlock cupboard with caretaker's key, open cupboard, e, get polish, get Polyfilla, w, d, e, s, get trophy, polish trophy, open door, w, examine map, open cabinet, get whisky, drink whisky, n, n, w, u, u, u, w, talk to Nixon about self, give trophy to Nixon, e, d, e, w [Mr Redcough stops you and demands his dinner], w, d, d, e, e, s, give Polyfilla to cook, give money to cook, n, w, n, e, e, cook dinner, w, w, n, w, s, open skylight with cue, u, give herring to cat, get cat, d, n, e, s, w, w, talk to Katie about self, talk to Katie about relationship, give roses to Katie, e, e, e, talk to Oscar about self, give phone to Oscar, w, s, w, u, u, e, give dinner to Redcough, w, u, s, examine PC, insert disk in drive, get pages, n, d, d, d, e, n, w, w, talk to Blister about virus [but he's asleep!], e, e, e, s, e, open caesium, throw caesium in pool, w, n, w, w, w, talk to Blist er about virus, give pages to Blister, e, e, e, n, talk to first-year about self, give locker key to first-year, talk to first-year about self, give gum to first-year, talk to first-year about self, s, w, w, n, wear mask, e, fight Johnny, w, s, e, s, s, w, examine secretary, examine papers, give cat to secretary, get report