FIRWITCH solution by pjg This is an (almost) minimum move solution to FIRWITCH Comments are in () N, get all E, get all W, S, U, E, get all W, N look under bed search clothes again again look get battery, book, card, picture S, D, get all D put battery in light turn on light W, D, S, S, S drop all except card, light save jump S, S ask devil about task (+1) get all rub card rub card (until red) say "necken-sway" U, E get all W, D, S, S, S put handwritten, pan, typed, book, picture, junk in bag rub card (until blue) say "necken-sway" S save ask devil about devil give bag to devil put devil in bag (+2) search ash N, N, W, W swing swing swing W, S save S kill goblin with board again drop board get key S get all (+1) rub card rub card (until red) say "necken-sway" U, E turn off light U, U, N get in bed save sleep again (we have to kill time until move 150) get up S, D, D turn on light W, D, S, S, S, E read paper turn first dial to # turn second dial to # turn third dial to # drop paper get wand save open vault W, N, W, W (+1) say "necken-sway" S, S, W, W (+2) unlock safe with key open safe drop key get bottle E, E, S, E, E get all (+1) W, W save put bottle in pit wave wand say "tar-molay" get ring drop wand rub card (until blue) say "necken-sway" S wear ring put red gem in ring save S, S, S, S drop red gem put blue gem in ring S, E examine obelisk (when wizard takes crystal card then...) say "necken-sway" (+2)