Jubilee by Mr. D. Ellis of Manchester, England 1/29/93 Solution by A.De Lisle with the assistance of 7/12/97 In this game you will find out that the Planning Commission has designs on your neighborhood. You are horrified and write a petition which you find out must be signed and turned in that same day. You rush around with your petition, but each person has a problem that you must solve before he or she will sign. You will find that these problems must be solved in a certain order. Being AGT, it has some problems. It will tell you you cannot do something and does it. Some commands will get no response, so repeat them. Usually the second time will work. As usual, you must identify items correctly; such as, metal key, ones key, small key, etc. There are some alternate commands that will work. There are nine items with points, two will be lost, 15 people will sign and there is a bonus point for handing in the petition. ------------------------------------------------------------------- You start your crusade in your shop where you EXAMINE THE RACK and then SEARCH it to find a magazine. READ THE MAGAZINE and discover that your store and surrounding neighborhood will be demolished. EXAMINE the (stationary) AREA and GET PEN and GET PAD. WRITE ON THE PAD. You get one point for each item, 3. SAVE Go SOUTH to the storeroom and EXAMINE DOT, your assistant. EXAMINE THE BOXES, OPEN A BOX and a hairy spider jumps out. Dot screams and you say KILL HAIRY. This is random and you might not succeed, so RESTORE and try again. GET THE LOOSE CHANGE which will pay for your sherry at the Pub. SEARCH THE BOXES and find the key. GET the YALE KEY which will unlock the back door. Tell Dot about the pad and then tell her to SIGN PAD, which she does. UNLOCK DOOR WITH YALE KEY. OPEN DOOR. GO DOOR. Add 1 point for the key, 1 for Dot = 5. Outside the Lodge, you have the option to go north or south. Go SOUTH first and you are in the End of a Cul De Sac. There is an odd character lurking. You can talk to him, examine him, but do not ask him to sign the pad. He works for the opposition and will steal it. Now go NORTH twice to the Middle of the Cul De Sac. EXAMINE THE WINDOW and the fence. Be sure to READ THE ADVERT. It tells you that Cathy is seeking a babysitter. Go NORTH to the Junction. If you KNOCK ON THE DOOR of Number Six, Graham will poke his head out the window and tell you Cathy is out. Keep going WEST until you reach the Pub. PUSH ENTRANCE to go in (and out). BUY SHERRY and ASK CATHY ABOUT ADVERT. She will be very grateful you want the job and give you the SIXES KEY. GET SIXES KEY. She will ask what she can do for you, so SIGN PAD. You can visit the Ladies Room NE, but it is not necessary. When using a door, unlock if necessary, then OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR. You get 1 point for Sixes key and 1 for Cathy's signature = 7 There is a man who visits randomly and stays about two moves in the same room. He will let you into Number Four and sign your petition when you find his medal which is in the Lost and Found Box at the Pub. When you see him, ASK PAN ABOUT THE LEAK at the Mini-Market and about his MEDAL. Most important getting into Number Four twice and getting the cross for Diane. SEARCH PAN as soon as possible. Also, there are two items that will add 1 point to your score, but must be returned to their owners and then will lose the point. They are the cross and the medal. You accepted the job, so go to Number Six and UNLOCK DOOR, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR. There is a telephone here so, remembering the advert, you DIAL TELEPHONE and type 2121 for the Office. You are told that you must bring the petition in yourself that day. That done, you go EAST to the Living Room and LOOK UNDER THE COUCH where you will find a UNIT KEY. Go WEST and NORTH to the Kitchen and unlock the cabinet, open it and SEARCH CABINET to find a baby's rattle and another key. The SMALL KEY is for the kitchen cabinet in Number Four. Get both. You can open the main bedroom window, but do not try to go out. Go SOUTH and UP to the Nursery. Graham is there. He will take the house key, but have him SIGN PAD right away. He leaves and then you SHAKE RATTLE and the baby falls asleep. SEARCH COT to find another house key so you can leave. Go downstairs and UNLOCK DOOR WITH SIXES KEY, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR. There are about 10 points now. Should Pan accost you, be sure to SEARCH PAN get the cross. Next stop is the Front of Number Four. Wait here for Pan and then KNOCK ON DOOR. Pan will let you in. Go NORTH to the Kitchen and UNLOCK CABINET WITH SMALL KEY. OPEN CABINET, SEARCH CABINET and you will find a can opener. GET CAN OPENER. Back SOUTH and UP, go to the Main Bedroom and LOOK UNDER BED. The author's spelling is atrocious, but we are stuck with it. GET VECHICAL KEY for the van parked outside. Do not disturb the occupants of the Bathroom yet. NORTH and DOWN, EAST and examine the firplace, then SEARCH FIREPLACE. There is another key there, but I could not get a description and the game will not let you get it until you do, so GET ONES KEY. WEST and deal with the door again. Outside, UNLOCK THE VAN WITH THE VECHICAL KEY, OPEN VAN and SEARCH VAN. There is a workman's overall and a cap. GET OVERALL, GET CAP. Now, you can do Number Five with Diane or finish Number Four depending on the situation. You need the cross from Pan for Diane or you must wait outside Number Four until Pan comes back and then KNOCK ON DOOR. If you have the cross and go to Diane's house, go to Number Five and KNOCK ON DOOR. Diane will let you in, but she is very distracted having lost her cross. You can ignore that for a time. Go UP and SOUTH to the bedroom and LOOK UNDER BED to find an address book. Get the book and READ BOOK which will give you the phone number for Craig's cab. The room description says exit south, but he meant NORTH. Go EAST and DOWN, then DIAL TELEPHONE and type 1050. As far as I can tell, the phone numbers are fixed, not random. GIVE CROSS TO DIANE, SIGN PAD and GO DOOR where she will let you out. Wait in front until Craig comes, then SIGN PAD. He will read it and sign with no trouble. about 12 points now. A move or two later, he drives away. Now you have to do Number 4 again if you did Diane first. Wait out front until Pan comes, then KNOCK ON DOOR. Be sure you have gotten the can opener and the fireplace key, then go UP and KNOCK ON DOOR. She will be red-faced at being caught with the waterman. SEARCH WATERBOARD and find his spanner. GET SPANNER. There is a towel in the bathroom, but I did not see it and it was not needed. It might have been used to escape from Number 8's patio if you put it on the spike's and climbed out. Now SIGN PAD. She will be so flustered that she will sign the pad and usher you out. That means you have to get what you need first. The van will drive away. There is no way to read the pad and get a list of the names, so you have gotten Dot, Cathy, Graham, Diane, Craig and Mrs. Cake so far. Now for the Mini-Market, but you go there twice and this is not the time to fix the leak. WEAR OVERALL, WEAR CAP, go E, E, E, N and Up to the Top of the Stairs. South takes you Inside the Flat, then NORTHWEST to the Kitchen. You find a can of dogfood, GET CAN. Go back, SOUTH, NORTH, DOWN to the Back Storeroom. Go SOUTH and Gary will not let you leave until the leak is fixed. REMOVE OVERALL, REMOVE CAP and GET ALL (very important since you must come back). Now you can leave and Gary is only concerned that you do not slip on the wet floor. OPEN CAN WITH CAN OPENER, WEST, WEST, SOUTHEAST to the garden of Number 8. EXAMINE DOG and find he is ferocious. DROP CAN and you can safely pass through the garden. KNOCK ON DOOR. Les opens it and invites you in. In his front room is a spray can of freshener. GET FRESHENER. You will need it in the Men's Room of the Pub, but this may be optional since it leads to no points. SEARCH LES and get the newspaper racing form. You cannot read it because it is confusing. You can go into the Kitchen and out into the Patio, but there is nothing in the Kitchen and the Patio is a trap. Perhaps the towel trick would work and maybe not. Just leave from the Front Hall, GO DOOR. Return to the Road, NORTH. Go WEST to Number 1 which may be more than one move WEST. KNOCK ON DOOR. Louise will say she is too busy and about to go out. This will be repeated in the future. You need to sneak in and get a pink envelope that is under her bed. You have the key, but you do not want to get caught. If she catches you, she will never sign the pad. If you hurry, you can do it. KNOCK ON DOOR and see the next message. There should be three messages and then typing L will show she is gone. UNLOCK DOOR WITH ONES KEY, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR. Go UP right away and WEST. LOOK UNDER BED and find the pink envelope. GET PINK ENVELOPE. There is a teen-age girl's bedroom there and a locked desk. You can buy the key later at the Charity Shop and sneak in again to open the desk and find a yellow envelope, but it is not needed. Go EAST from the bedroom, DOWN and GO DOOR before she comes back. If the time is not right, you can do this later. Go to the Pub, WEST, PUSH ENTRANCE, and SIGN PAD. Bill will reply that he is too busy and please get Arthur to come and help him. Go to Number 3 and KNOCK ON DOOR. Arthur is really smashed, but TELL ARTHUR ABOUT BILL. He will not want to come. SIGN PAD and he will say later, after he gets a tip. Aha! A horse better. So go back to Les, EAST, SOUTHEAST, KNOCK ON DOOR and TELL LES ABOUT ARTHUR. Les is reluctant to give an illegal tip, so he needs money to make a bet. Go back to Arthur and KNOCK ON DOOR. When woozy Arthur answers, ASK ARTHUR ABOUT MONEY. He will give you a ten pound note. GET NOTE. So, EAST, SOUTHEAST, GO DOOR and TELL LES ABOUT ARTHUR. He will sense that you have money and write on a newspaper. SEARCH LES and get the newspaper. SIGN PAD and Les will oblige. GO DOOR, NORTH, EAST to Arthur. GIVE TIP TO ARTHUR, SIGN PAD and all is well. Go to the Pub and PUSH ENTRANCE. SIGN PAD and Bill does. You spot Beth enter and ASK BETH ABOUT MEDAL. She prefers to talk in her Living Room. OPEN FLAP and GO FLAP. Bill has objected before, but now is agreeable. NORTH into the back of the Pub and you find a Lost & Found Box. Beth is a little elusive, so if she is not in her Living Room to the WEST, then go back into the bar and ask her again. You cannot go upstairs until you ask her to sign the pad and she tells you how upset she is. ASK BETH ABOUT MEDAL will now get the brass key to the box and you can open it. UNLOCK BOX WITH BRASS KEY, OPEN BOX, SEARCH BOX, GET MEDAL. Now ask her to sign the pad and she will ask you to go upstairs and see Nicky. EAST, UP and there are two bedrooms. Go to the WEST first and LOOK UNDER BED. GET COIN. Now go to the other bedroom and KNOCK ON DOOR. Nicky will let you in and you ASK NICKY ABOUT ENVELOPE. She will be so pleased with the letter that she will sign right away. GO DOOR, DOWN, WEST and Beth will SIGN PAD. EAST, then you can WEAR OVERALL, WEAR CAP, S, GO FLAP and EAST to the Men's Room. It is so awful that you keep squirting freshener, well really, the game keeps squirting when you READ GRAFFITI and GET TAPE. WEST, PUSH ENTRANCE. SOUTHEAST and SOUTH will get you into the Charity Shop. SEARCH CLOTHES and LOOK to find another key. This is the METAL KEY that will open Joanne's desk. BUY METAL KEY and SIGN PAD. NORTH and NORTHWEST back to the Road. There probably will be another opportunity to use it, but you do not need to. With any luck, Louise will be home at Number 1 and will answer. If she is not, wait and she will come home. KNOCK ON DOOR and both she and Joanne will sign. If she does not answer, go to the Mini-Market to the EAST about six moves. At the Mini-Market, you are dressed in the overall and cap and just go NORTH into the Back Room. Go UP, SOUTH, NORTHWEST to the kitchen. TURN TAP and leave, SOUTH, NORTH, DOWN. The game knows that you should take off the uniform and does it. SOUTH and Gary is very happy now the leak is fixed. SIGN PAD and he does. There is one more if you have not met him and given him his medal. Wait for Pan on the street and SIGN PAD. He takes his medal after he signs. You now should have 22 points. Take the pad to Gary at the Mini-Market and GIVE PAD TO GARY. He will beam and congratulate you. You have won and gotten the last point to finish with 23. ---------------------------------------------------------------------