Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 Solution by: "A. DeLisle" Subject: The Legend Lives -- by Unnkul Unventures May be posted at any 'free' site in text format. May not be sold in any media or format. ------------------------------------------------------------------- You need from Your Pod: Kola, search books for color chart, calculator from desk. Note 5 (may vary in your game) gave the address of Terminal Velocity. Hot Pink +0, -52, -5 I think this might be the same. The pod mover is set to 6000, 3270, 1738 which should take you to Ada's pod. Note: the notes are numbered in the order in which you find them. In general, get all the odd items and then use them in the machine at the research lab to get the things you need. You can toss paper clip, tissue, putti, glue, marbles, wax, flint, clay, hat, coal, playing card, oil lamp, figure, dead rat. Ada's Pod: read the note about dinner at Grandma's tomorrow night and get prune seeds. The book is an in-joke about Rylvania. Examine the autodialer because it will be your way to travel. Number one is home and number two is Ada's. Type new numbers on the autopad. Start with Barfee which is 8549, 4392, 8392. There is a note that explains that. Barfee Central: Go west to the Supply Depot, put your card in the slot, kick the machine, repeat two times. You score 3, examine the machine and get the gro can which is bright orange. Go north from Central and ask the woman about prune seeds. Then ask the woman about Cassandra. 2 pts, total 5. Read the paper to get the address of the farm Elwood Farm 3921, 5840, 9278. Go south and set the dials of the mover. Foon: You will arrive at a dirt road, go west two times. The note here tells about the architecture. Go South west, climb the rope and get the charm with the name Pierre. The note tells about an oak-like tree. Go northwest behind the farmhouse and read the tombstone which also reads Pierre. Northeast goes into the Garden, Southeast goes to the Front. Inside the House, west goes to the Living Room, south to the kitchen. You cannot go upstairs and you cannot do anything with the dog. The important thing here is to cook the eggs: open refrigerator get all, put butter in pan (first time, not sure about second or if really needed), put egg in pan, turn on burner, put pan on burner, turn off burner. East on the Dirt Road, examine the rock and you will find an Akmid. Get it. Go north to Elwood's Store. Untie the string, tie the string to the Akmid, put the coin in the slot and play the game. Keep playing until you have all the items. You really will use the firecracker and the whistle. Get and wear the ring, get the Wacky Putti and plastic egg. You can use them with the machine at the Lab. The last item was a magnetic letter Q. Using the coin was worth 4 points = 9 total. Back at Ada's Pod, you can leave the excess items. You can come back when you know you need one. Examine the hatch, turn lever 1 point=10 Go Down to the Metal Corridor, go east twice to the airduct grating. Get all which is a hammer, bolt, ary ung. Shoot Zydbel for 1 point =11. Drink the Kola, get the bedzyl for 3 points =14. Go west to Escape Pod. Enter pod, push red button and WAIT, the door slides open. Go south. Outside the Escape Pod Wreckage, go northwest to In A Small Clearing. Drop the Bedryl, shoot Delbez, shoot Bedryl for four points =18. Go north to the Survey Station, red light on, matter mover is Spring Green 0, 10000, 4950. Go north to Inside the Survey Station, turn the switch on. Go south to the Station and south to the Clearing. South is a tall fence that is electrified and humming. Go east to Another Crash Site. You will meet a man who will give you a circuit board. There is a note about a sound squelcher. Go north to Atop a Cliff and see the view. The tower east has a green light. Go south to see the Camels at work. East of Another Crash Site is a shack. There is a parchment note and a box. The note says to put the fried egg in the box. 2 points =20 Enter the shack and get the leaflet. The address for Kuwl is Eggwhite +0, +0, +38. There is an ad for radio channel 361. Eggwhite = 10000, 10000, 9521. Turn the dials, red, red blue is 9559 Enter the mover. Your new friend stays behind. He tells you to look up the watchmaker and be careful on New Hell. You arrive at Kuwl Starport and read the note. You are handed a figurine. Type 3 on the autodialer and go to Barfee. Go east to the Flower section and wait for the ship to land. Wave the orange can to guide him in. 4 points = 24. Go in the Barfee Research Area Entrance. West is the cubicle, east is the boss and south is the vault which goes outside. Go west to the Featureless Cubicle. Notice that the mover is 8549, 4392, 8393 and the button is red. Go east, examine the door and examine the keypad. The note tells you how to use the keypad. Press reset, type 1015 on the door keypad. 4 points = 28 Go north to the Barfee Research Lab and examine the machine which transmogrifies. Get the thermos, put the Kola can in the box. Much tedious work will change the items from one to another. You need the liquid nitrogen, black sphere, prune seeds, whistle. Try setting the machine for 10 and 10 to get the sphere. It turned out that I did not need it. Try setting the machine for 10 and 12 to get the liquid nitrogen. Try setting the machine for 3 and 1 to get the prune seeds. Go south, then west to the Featureless Cube with the mover. Press the button when it is green. Go to Barfee and sell the prune seeds. Go north twice and give the credit to the clerk, get the Foonian Eggplant. Go south and type 1 on the autodialer. Drop off your excess items. Go to the farm, plant the seeds and notice a lump, pour thermos on it. 4 points = 32 Get the egg, go to the kitchen and cook it. Go to Terminal Velocity which is Hot Pink 10000, 4117, 7058 less the code +0, -52, -5, so the address is 10000, 4065, 7053. You arrive at Gateway. Go north twice and then west. In the Supply Room, get the blaster or blaser and get the hanger, get and wear the uniform. Go east twice and examine the bean bag. Cut the beanbag with the hanger +2 points = 34. Get Squirt. Go west and south twice, then ask fellow about password. 4 points = 38. Type 1 on the autodialer. At home, detach and get the keyboard. Turn the dials to 9998, 4067, 7051 and enter the mover. 4 points = 42 At the TV Back Door, attach the keyboard and type password on keyboard. Go west to Terminal Velocity, go northeast, east, west, south, southeast to JAX. 4 points = 46 Get the Elite card from Jax and shoot the converter which will make it run backwards and write on your disk. Put your disk in the drive and put the figurine in the chamber. Push button and it will write on the disk. Repeat this with the egg. Get the disk and got northwest, north, southwest, northwest to the Game Room. Put the disk in the drive and turn on the computer. Choose number 4 which is merge, then choose number 3 which is the game Unnkulian 3. check your inventory to see you have the figurine and the egg. The pellet is a red herring. It will explode into a dinghy when you put it in the river. Throw the figurine into the river. 3 game points. Go east on the Jade River Path, go south three times to the Fork. Go west to the Hut, north to Inside the Hut, give the egg. 4 game points = 7 You will go to the Center of All Things and find a paper with a riddle. SAY LIPS and the game will terminate. You will have 4 real points = 50 You should have the mirror. Examine the mirror and it will tell you that King says mirror will help. Go southeast twice to the bar. Get on the bike and ride it. If you have the Elite card, this should work. Have the liquid nitrogen and hammer with you. Pour the liquid nitrogen on the lock, hit it with the hammer. +4 = 54 Get the handypad from the box. Return to the bar where the bartender will lock the bike, so you get one chance. +2 = 56 Examine the Handypad, touch screen, it has information for the future. Ask Jax about Reb who was a programmer that disappeared. Examine the circuit board and get the address. Midnight Blue is 980, 980, 4392 add the numbers +6, -21, +16 and the address is 986, 959, 4408 Type in the address and enter the mover. New Hell. go north to the Watchmen, East to Outside, north to the Entrance to the Watchmen, show circuit board to bouncer +1 = 57 Go north twice, then east to the Watchmaker's Headquarters. Give the handypad to the Watchmaker and get an index card with coordinates. 3=60 The index card has number -35, +50, -11. Akmi Orange is 10000, 7470, 1000, do the arithmetic, go west, south three times and use the address. 9965, 7520, 989. Be sure you have the whistle, sphere, mirror, firecracker and Squirt with you. End Game: Inside Plast. The watch say to go west three times and then one time more to the Cramped Service Area. Examine Squirt. It has four wheels, two beady eyes and a gripper. I do not remember where I got the path of the shaft. A shunt is at the end and must be destroyed. The command list is in the hint file. You can experiment. Stomp will make Squirt go forward or straight. Whistle will cause it to open the gripper and drop whatever. Yell will do nothing with most things, but will make sparks when needed. Clap will make Squirt go left. Snap will make Squirt go right. I did this with the sphere with no result, then used the firecracker. Now put the firecracker in the gripper. stomp.snap.stomp.clap.stomp.yell.whistle (with sphere add stomp) The firecracker will go off and destroy the virus and the programmer. You will suddenly be at the epilogue which is a wedding. Congratulations, you have completed the game, 75 points full score. ====================================================================