Shelby's Addendum step-by-step solution2 by pjg For game version 1.1 Takes about 440 moves Following these moves will get you a full 200 point score Comments and points are in () This step-by-step walkthrough was written in a delibrately terse manner to avoid giving away puzzle solutions at a casual glance. Play the game at a measured pace and enjoy the atmosphere that the author has created for you. W x driveway Get gravel (5/5) E. Open door N (read the background info if you want) W, SW Get broomstick. NE x table. Get bag then open it Get sandwich then drop it Put gravel in bag x counter Get opener x stove Get blob E, N x fireplace x mosaic x whale x eye Push eye (5/10) x safe x painting Read plaque Type 836 (5/15) Look in the safe Get bracelet then wear it x desk Open drawer Get yellow, matchbook, magazine NW (you can go east and read more background info if you want) N x desk Get diary, report Read diary x washstand x scale x left x right Put bag on right (5/20) save game N x table Get crystal (Read magazine) (Game version 1.1 does not care what items we put in the circles. These items work, so we will use them.) Put magazine in right circle Put report in left circle (5/25) S Get crowbar S, W, S x cabinet Open drawer with crowbar (5/30) Drop crowbar x drawer Get blue x bed Look under the blankets Get key x painting x desk x photograph x recorder Push play (Push reverse) N, W x partition door x device Put crystal in depression (5/35) Get crystal Open partition door W x door x device Put crystal in depression Open door Drop opener, blob, yellow, matchbook, diary save game N Wait Again (wait about 8 turns until the man vanishes) (5/40) Get hose, screwdriver S Drop hose E, N, N, E Look under the bed Pull trunk Unlock trunk with key Drop key Open trunk x body Look in the trunk Get card x dresser Open dresser Get candle W x door Put card in slot (5/45) save game N, N (read the books if you want to) U, U, U, U, U Unscrew hook with screwdriver (5/50) Put hook on broomstick Drop screwdriver U, U, U, U, U, U Open trapdoor with hook (5/55) Drop broomstick U Drop blue Open door NW, U Get conductor D x railing x box Put conductor in hole (5/60) save game x tripod look through the telescope E D, D, D, D, D, D D, D, D, D, D, D (Get black book) (Read it then drop it) S, S, W Turn on radio Turn dial (5/65) (remember the numbers) save game E, S, S, W Get opener D, E, D x barrel Get bottle Open bottle with opener (5/70) Drop opener Drink liquid (Read sign) U, W, U Get all save game S, W, SW Open gate. E x house Look under the straw Get key W, NE Unlock door with key Drop key Open door W, W Open cover Put hose in hole Siphon gas (5/75) Get hose E, E, E, S, NE x door Put card in slot (5/80) Drop card N x generator Pour gas in hole Drop bottle Turn crank (5/85) E x hole x flywheel Put blob on flywheel (5/90) Drop all but bracelet save game W, S, SW, N N, D, E, D (no maze in this game) x hole Push down Get cylinder Put cylinder in dumbwaiter Push up U, W, U, S S, NE, N, E Get cylinder then drop it Get candle, matchbook, hose x machine Put hose on air-intake valve x cylinder Put hose on cylinder valve x hose save game Open matchbook Get match Light match Light candle with match Wait Again (wait about 7 turns until the wax melts) Put wax on hose (5/95) Put candle, matchbook, match in dumbwaiter Get yellow, diary save game (match bug) W, S, SW, E D, D, D x panel Turn switch Read yellow then drop it Push blue (5/100) U, U, U W, NE, N, E Open cylinder valve x machine Push on-off button (5/110) W, S, SW, E D, D, D, D x sub Open hatch Read diary then drop it Enter sub Close hatch save game x panel Push button Type "63.15N" Type "30.26W" Type "70" Type "40" (5/115) z.z z.z.z z.z.z z.z.z z.z.z Open hatch Exit sub N Remove bracelet save game N Again (about 3 turns until we pass through the door) (5/120) (for fun, you might want to try this on the mainland as well) x sandbags Get sandbag D. Get wood D, W (this is an opposite room) Drop goggles (5/125) W Drop sandbag, goggles NE, E Untie Holcroft (5/130) x wrist Push button (what does this button do?) x north board x west board (remember the numbers) N Look under the papers x desk Open drawer Get key (5/135) x table Get wood (5/140) Get keys with wood (5/145) Unlock door with keys Drop keys, wood Open door x table Get bronze key save game W, W, SW Unlock door with key Drop key Open door Get sandbag, goggles Wear goggles S x buttons Push red Stand on plate Exit. N Drop sandbag x terminal x monitor Type "madeline" (5/150) Get phase S Push green Stand on plate (5/155) Exit N, U, U, S Get bracelet then wear it S. Enter sub Close hatch save game Push autopilot button Type "62.13N" Type "30.24W" Type "70" Type "40" (5/160) z.z z.z.z z.z.z z.z.z z.z.z Open hatch Exit sub (5/165) save game (Read graffiti) (Say "yoho") (Read sign) x skeleton Get cutlass (5/170) Get stone NE, N Put stone in hole (5/175) E U, U, U, U, U, U U, U, U, U, U, U Put phase in housing (5/180) Get blue then read it save game x monitor Type "180" Type "360" Type "90" Type "90" Type "360" (20/200)