SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 1 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ End of road This is where you start. NORTH Hiding place GET ALL Get everything for use later SOUTH End of Road SOUTH Gully A bull is here Enter WAIT or any other command until bull asks question NO He goes away. GET PENNY NORTH End of Road EXAMINE DOOR There is a slot. INSERT PENNY IN SLOT Door opens EAST Wellie house See bomb, wellies, etc. GET BOMB AND WEAR WELLIES EXAMINE SPRING End of road FILL BOTTLE Bottle is now full. SOUTH Gully Bull is now mad. THROW BOMB AT BULL You can now proceed SOUTH Slit in rock SOUTH The grate UNLOCK GRATE DOWN Grate Chamber LIGHT LAMP WEST Cobble crawl Cage is here GET CAGE WEST Debris room Rude word on wall DROP ALL READ WALL CLONES Wellie house GET LOG CLONES WEST Darkness DROP LOG EAST Debris room Lamp is here GET LAMP WEST E/W canyon Log is here WEST Pillar chamber DROP LAMP EAST darkness GET LOG WEST Pillar chamber Lamp is here WEST Darkness DROP LOG EAST Pillar chamber Lamp is here GET LAMP WEST Top of pit Log is here DOWN Hall of mists DROP LAMP UP Darkness GET LOG DOWN Hall of mists Lamp is here WEST Darkness SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 1 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DROP LOG EAST Hall of mists Lamp is here GET LAMP WEST E. side of fissure You should find that the log makes a bridge across the fissure. EAST Hall of Mists SOUTH Low room Can is here GET CAN NORTH Hall of Mists DOWN Hall Mt. King Snake is here OPEN CAN Bird appears and vanquishes snake. DROP CAN WEST Habitat cave NORTH Twee chamber Table is here GET TABLE SOUTH Habitat EXAMINE CUPBOARD There is a drawer in it. OPEN DRAWER Key is here GET RED KEY EAST Hall Mt. King NORTH N/S passage Silver is here GET SILVER SOUTH Hall Mt King UP AND UP AND EAST AND EAST AND EAST Debris Room DROP RED KEY GET CAGE CLONES Wellie House DROP CAGE AND SILVER AND TABLE CLONES Debris room GET RED KEY WEST AND WEST Pillar room EXAMINE PILLAR UNLOCK PILLAR WITH KEY This is the exit to part 2, but don't use it yet. You can't get back and there is more to do. DROP RED KEY EAST AND EAST Debris Room GET BOTTLE WEST AND WEST AND WEST Top of Pit DOWN AND WEST AND WEST West Side of Fissure WEST W. end Hall of Mists WEST E. end of hall DOWN Large Cavern DROP BOTTLE You will need it when you get back. SOUTH High Dark Passage SOUTH Bat Cave SOUTH Bat Car Garage ENTER CAR Batcar You might want to do a save here. The next portion is very move and time dependent and you might want to come back here if you mess up. PUSH BUTTON Crossroads You are driven to Gotham City. SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 1 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOUTHEAST Infirmary EXAMINE BUBBLES You find a canister GET CANISTER NORTH AND WEST AND NORTH Library ENTER Inside library WEST Library Study Area EXAMINE DESK You find a box OPEN BOX You find a pellet GET PELLET EAST AND OUT AND SOUTH AND SW Gallery If the newsboy is still referring to a Jester on the loose, you are OK ENTER Inside Gallery Wait until the Jester appears. OPEN VALVE You eventually end up back at the crossroads again. DROP CANISTER NW Police Station NORTH Back Alley EXAMINE WALL You find a ladder UP Police station roof TURN ON SEARCHLIGHT Roar of batcar leaving DOWN AND SOUTH AND SOUTH Museum ENTER Inside Museum GET NAIL FILE OUT AND SOUTH AND EAST Jeweler ENTER Inside Jeweler GET TIARA OUT AND NORTH Crossroads Wait until That Man returns. He takes you back to the Bat Cave. NORTH AND NORTH Large Cavern GET BOTTLE WEST Parser Cave Wait until the troll starts to eat the cornflakes packet and then wait again until he drop it. GET PACKET EXAMINE IT You find a sophisticated parser. DROP PACKET AND PELLET WATER PELLET This destroys the Troll, Art Critic, & sophisticated parser. GET GOBLET EAST AND UP AND EAST AND EAST AND EAST AND EAST AND UP AND EAST AND EAST AND EAST Debris room SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 1 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLONES Wellie House DROP TIARA AND NAIL FILE AND GOBLET AND PAINTINGS CLONES Debris Room WEST AND WEST AND WEST AND DOWN AND EAST Space Invaders Room You have now entered a "SPACE INVADERS" game - keep going right and left and firing until you beat the aliens. EXAMINE CHARACTERS You find a mother ship OPEN AIRLOCK You find a moon crystal GET CRYSTAL WEST AND UP AND EAST AND EAST AND EAST Debris Room CLONES Wellie House DROP CRYSTAL You have now gotten all the treasures in Part 1. You should have 131 points. Go back now and get the food, bottle, rod, & utility belt and take them to the pillar with you. DOWN To Part 2 You might notice that Trixie is no longer with you. DOWN A Large Cavern SAVE A large Cavern But it will not have all the description the last one did. You are now really in part 2. SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 2 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEST E/W corridor WEST Soft room EXAMINE WALL WEST Stalactite cavern EXAMINE CARPET WAIT Until Trixie rescues you from the living cave & you go back to A large cavern WEST Long low hall EXAMINE CURTAINS As many times as needed to find 10 numbered doors, a little door, & a three-legged table. EXAMINE TABLE Several times to find a tiny key, a crystal decanter, & a kid glove. WEAR UTILITY BELT EXAMINE BELT These are the anagrams for FILE, SLEDGEHAMMER, WEEDKILLER, & BICARBONATE. GET KEY UNLOCK LITTLE DOOR Opens into small passage. DROP KEY AND REMOVE WELLIES GET TABLE AH HA. GET GLOVE AND WEAR IT DIAL FILE GET FILE CUT CHAIN GET TABLE GET DECANTER AND DRINK IT You are now very drunk. You may go thru the door and explore the garden & see what you can do about the rabbits. Somewhere between 15 & 25 turns from now Trixie will show you to deal with the rabbits and return you to A large cavern AGAIN! WEST Dusty rock room EXAMINE CRACKS DOWN Complex junction EXAMINE POSTER WEST Mattress You are now in a mattress. Choose a random direction and proceed to (see map) Large low room NORTH Dead end READ WORD DIRT Wellie house DROP DECANTER AND GLASS TABLE SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 2 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRT Dead end S AND SE Oriental Room See a ming vase GET VASE W AND N AND DIRT Wellie House DROP VASE DIRT Dead End S AND SE AND SE French Cheese Room EXAMINE WALL GET PLATE They're in the wall. NE AND E AND E Anteroom EAST A large passage DROP PLATE You can now get thru the gate. EAST Building site EXAMINE GRAVEL You find a diamond GET DIAMOND W AND W AND W AND W Mattress Proceed to Dead End(see map) DIRT Wellie House DROP DIAMOND DIRT Dead End S AND SE AND SE AND W East end 2 Pit room DOWN Bottom East Pit FILL BOTTLE U AND W West end 2 pit room DOWN Bottom West Pit Little weed is here WATER PLANT Big weed is here U AND E AND D Bottom East Pit GET WATER IN BOTTLE U AND W AND D Bottom west pit WATER PLANT Triffid is here U AND E AND D Bottom east pit FILL BOTTLE U AND W AND D Bottom west pit DIAL WEEDKILLER Triffid is now dead CLIMB PLANT Long narrow Passage WEST Giant Room NORTH N/S Passage Way is blocked by oaken door DIAL SLEDGEHAMMER Dehydrated sledgehammer appears WATER SLEDGEHAMMER You have a regular sledgehammer GET SLEDGEHAMMER HIT DOOR It's partly broken HIT DOOR Broken beyond repair NORTH Magnificent Cavern Golden eggs are here GET EGGS WEST Top of steep incline DOWN Large Low room N AND DIRT Wellie House DROP EGGS DIRT Dead End SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 2 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S AND SE AND SE AND W AND W AND D AND CLIMB PLANT AND W Giant room A record is here GET RECORD N AND N AND W AND D Large Low Room SW A winding corridor UP South of deep chasm GIVE RECORD You may have to do it several times before he wants to play it. SOUTH Winding corridor FEE, FIE, FOO, FOOM UP AND LOOK The record exploded, taking the hairy figure & bridge with it. WAVE ROD A bony bridge appears. DROP ROD NORTH North of deep chasm NE Long E/W corridor EAST Fork NE Shaking room NORTH Vast chamber With a snoring giant NORTH Magnificent view With a slight difference. EXAMINE anything A surprise. SOUTH Vast chamber WAIT For a burp DIAL BICARBONATE Giant drinks it and throws you a snuff box. GET SNUFF BOX S AND S AND SE N/S passage See a jemmy GET JEMMY N AND W AND W AND W AND S AND S AND D Large Low Room SE AND SE AND NE Mattress EAST AND NORTH Sedimentary rock room A clam is here OPEN CLAM A pearl rolls out and also discloses steps going down. GET PEARL AND DROP JEMMY DOWN Pirate's Hall Treasure chest is here GIVE FOOD TO PIRATE He's now dead GET CHEST U AND S AND W AND W AND W AND D AND CLIMB PLANT AND W AND N AND N AND W AND D AND N Dead End DIRT Wellie House DROP SNUFF BOX AND PEARL SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 2 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIRT S AND SW AND U AND N AND NE AND E AND D N/S passage SOUTH Entrance Barren Room SOUTH Barren Room A wombat is on a chain OPEN CHEST Ferret jumps out and kills wombat then goes back in. DROP CHEST AND GET CHAIN N AND N AND N AND W AND W AND S AND S AND D AND N Dead End DIRT Wellie House DROP CHAIN DIRT Dead End S AND SW AND U AND N AND NE AND E AND NE Shaking room EAST Boulder room A dresser is here It is VERY heavy. SO DROP ALL GET DRESSER WEST Darkness DROP DRESSER EAST Boulder room Lamp is here GET LAMP WEST AND S Fork DROP LAMP NE Darkness Dresser here, but you can't see GET DRESSER S AND W Darkness DROP DRESSER EAST Fork Lamp is here GET LAMP W AND W N. Side chasm DROP LAMP NE Darkness Dresser here, but you can't see GET DRESSER W AND S Darkness DROP DRESSER NORTH N. Side chasm Lamp is here GET LAMP S AND S Winding corridor DROP LAMP UP Darkness Dresser here, but you can't see GET DRESSER S AND D Darkness DROP DRESSER SW Winding corridor Lamp is here GET LAMP D AND N Large Low Room DROP LAMP SOUTH Darkness Dresser here, but you can't see GET DRESSER NORTH Large Low Room SPELUNKER'S TREMENDOUS CAVE ADVENTURE SOLUTION PART 2 COMMAND NEW LOCATION REMARKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DROP DRESSER AND GET LAMP S AND SE AND N Path around pit Varnish kit is here GET KIT S AND W AND N Dead End VARNISH DRESSER You now have a very beautiful dresser. DIRT Wellie House DROP LAMP DIRT Darkness Dresser here, but you can't see GET DRESSER DIRT Wellie House DROP DRESSER AND GET LAMP DIRT Dead End S AND SE AND N AND W Alcove DROP LAMP EAST Eerie chamber READ WORD GET LARGE EMERALD SANDPAPER Darkness DROP LARGE EMERALD SANDPAPER Eerie chamber WEST Alcove GET LAMP NE AND S AND W AND N Dead End Emerald is here SANDPAPER Eerie chamber NE Photographer ejects you from the darkroom and throws a brick at you. Magic word doesn't work with brick, SO SANDPAPER Dead End S AND SE AND N AND W Alcove DROP LAMP EAST Eerie chamber Platinum brick is here GET BRICK WEST GET LAMP NE AND S AND W AND N Dead End GET LARGE EMERALD DIRT Wellie House DROP BRICK AND LARGE EMERALD You should now have 250 points, but to start the end game - WAIT You have won the game, BUT!!!