"Time: All things come to an end" step-by-step solution by pjg For game release 5. Serial number 961014 Other game releases may be slightly different Takes about 1100 moves. This game can be described as "Guess, die, then replay" Knowledge of future events is required to solve some of the puzzles. The saved game files are named according to your score. If you are stuck then find the section of the solution with a saved game file near your score for help. We will earn 40 points for visiting places, 55 for finding things, and 105 for doing actions. Comments and earned/total points are in () ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (We start in the lab) Search papers (1/1) N. Get all from shelf X picture (this picture does not appear to be important to the game) S. X machine Open panel. Drop screwdriver Read lab Consult lab on machine Consult lab on project (you are living in the year 1997) Consult lab on source (you can also look up void, defect, gate, and digicorp) Get source (1/2) Drop lab U (notice the city that you live in) Attach cable to source Drop source Attach cable to conductor (1/3) Get source. D Put source in panel Push red save (s3) Look at void Enter void (1/4) Z. Z. Z. Z Search garbage. Get all Exit X body. X jacket Search body Read newspaper then drop it S, E X gutter (1/5) (we need the button) D, E, N Aim gun at girl (2/7) Girl, drop knife Drop gun (we don't need the gun anymore) Open toilet Get bag then open it Get card. Read it then drop it (remember the home address and the place where Carpenter worked) Get paper. Read it then drop it Get disc (1/8) Get knife (1/9) X pipes. Pull pipe (1/10) Drop bag (Read graffiti. G. G. G. G) S, W Push machine. G Get all (1/11) U, E X taxi Knock on door. Open door Enter taxi. Close door (1/12) Driver, drive to Gerants Heath Give disc to driver (1/13) Drop disc N save (s13) (you could put the card in the slot if you wanted) X door Look in the window S, NE X knife. Turn handle Cut fence with knife Cut rope with knife W Bend pipe Tie rope to pipe Throw pipe at platform Chew gum (moist gum lasts about 19 moves) U (1/14) Untie rope (2/16) Open dirty save (s16) S. Close dirty (the glowing knife is providing light) Feel wallpaper Cut wallpaper with knife. Get piece Put gum on piece. Put piece on small window (2/18) X globe. Globe, on (1/19) Drop knife (we don't need the knife anymore) X device. X red. X green Push red. Get device Put device on compartment Search items (1/20) Wear pendant. X pendant (we will use this a lot) save (s20) Push red. Push green X compartment (1/21) Look in compartment Get watch then wear it (1/22) Get briefcase (don't worry about the briefcase) Open briefcase (police come about 5 moves after we blow open the compartment) (earlier game versions were slightly different) save (s22) I (you only can take these three things with you) Remove pendant then drop it Z. Z. Z. Z Z. Z. Z. Z Get glass Throw glass at woman X woman Answer Chelsea Answer thief Answer yes Answer briefcase (3/25) save (s25) Get pendant then wear it Look under the bed Unscrew legs with button. Again (1/26) Drop button Move bed. Break grate Move bed (dumb guard) Move bed Open grate X watch. X top button Push top button D (1/27) E. Open grate. E Get mop. SE save (s27) X door. Put mop in handle (1/28) Get key. NW Unlock locker with key. Drop key Open locker. X door (notice that every location is 4 letters long) Look in locker Get all from locker (1/29) Wear uniform. Search uniform (1/30) SW, N Put towel in drum save (s30) Light towel S. X jetcopter. W (1/31) Enter jetcopter Get helmet then wear it Look under the seat (1/32) Read manual then drop it X panel Push engines (2/34) save (s34) Type trio (inst and trin also work) Push autopilot Drop helmet Push eject (1/35) SE. Get shears. NW, N Cut vegetation with shears. Drop shears S. Cover remains with branches (1/36) NE. X car Open boot then look in it Get rag then wear it (1/37) SW, S save (s37) Open container Soak rag in water U. Wear rag Z. Z (1/38) Drop uniform D. Look in container Get body then X it X mouth then open it (1/39) Drag body N Drag body NE Get body. Put body in boot Close boot X sphere. X pendant Put silver sphere in groove Look under car save (s39) Touch detector Push silver sphere (2/41) X sign E. Z. Z. Z Push silver sphere Z. Z (1/42) S. Push II N, W Get bottle. Get tray E, E, E Open door. Look Put tray in beam. NE (1/43) save (s43) X briefcase. Search base Get all from briefcase (1/44) Get silver sphere Put brass in groove. Push brass Put tray in beam SW, W, W, W, W X rod. Aim rod at man. Push end Get sack then open it (1/45) E, E, E, E Put tray in beam. NE Get device. Put device on safe Get picture save (s45) X device (the left hand light tells you if the safe is opened or closed the intensity of the right hand light tells you how far away your guessed combination is from the correct one. Also, yellow means that you are too low, orange means that you are too high) Type #### (you have to guess the random safe combination. It's fastest to use the binary search method between 1 and 9999. As you get closer and closer the right hand light becomes darker and darker. The light is out when you have reached the correct combination. At that point, RESTORE the game and just type in the correct number) Look in the safe Get ruby (1/46) (1 of the 4 keystones) Read folder (1/47) (remember the west wall) Put all in sack Get tray, rod, picture Get pyramid Put tray in beam save (s47) SW, W, W, S Push III N, U Z. Z. Z Z. Z. Z X woman Aim rod at head. Push end. Drop rod (2/49) Search woman. Get glove, ruby D. X security door X glove Put glove on circular pad Put photograph on glass scanner Drop glove, photograph. W (1/50) Push metal button. W (1/51) Push west wall save (s51) Look X globe (now you know where you are) X panel (now you know when you are) X watch X top button (turns light on) X center button (turns light off) X bottom button (shows year) Push bottom button. Read display (another way to see the year) Push top button (you can leave the light on for now) Put ruby in hole (2/53) Get ruby. Put ruby in sack X globe. X panel (Cairo, 1924) W (1/54) Get suit then wear it Get all (1/55) E Get brass sphere Put bronze sphere in groove Push bronze sphere Get bronze sphere Put all in sack Get pyramid Push metal button save (s55) E. Drop pyramid D. Get charcoal E. Get lantern then open it W, S X bed. Look under pillow X tent. Crawl under flap (1/56) Dig sand. Get key (1/57) W. Get leather book (1/58) Unlock chest with key Put key in sack Open chest. Get all from chest Read diary ( a more understandable translation is: 1. Gold 2. Silver 3. Stone 4. Bronze 5. Platinum 6. Brass) Put diary in sack (you won't need the diary until near the endgame) N, N, N, NW Get bottle. Get water E, N save (s58) SW X statue Read leather Again Translate statue Pour water in bowl. Pour oil in bowl Drop lantern. Get lighter Light oil. Get sword (1/59) Put bottle, lighter in sack NE, SE X statue. Translate statue (remember the color) (color translation: crimson fire = red pure gold = yellow nature = green seafaring = blue Finally, the enemy of "Evil" is bright sunlight) NW, NW Get ball SE, NE save (s59) X slab Get charcoal. Draw circle on slab (2/61) Translate plinth Put disc in stone groove (1/62) Put ball in #### beam (use the required color from the evil statue translation) Get disc. Break disc Get tray. X tray (interesting suit you have on) Put tray in stone groove SW. X column. Turn column Look SE. Put ball in socket NW. Look N (1/63) (translate lid) Open coffin. Look in coffin Get sceptre save (s63) S, S, SE, SE X case Clean case then look in it X case then translate it X sword then translate it X sceptre then translate it Say Karimal (1/64) Translate plaque Drop leather Get gold sphere (1/65) Put gold sphere in groove Push gold sphere Get gold sphere. Put it in sack save (s65) NW, W, S, S, U Get pyramid then push metal button W Put topaz in hole. Get topaz (you can't open the hatch until now) Open hatch then look in it Get rod Push metal button E, D, N, N, N, N, N Enter coffin. Pull lever (1/66) Exit. E. X machine. Get red crystal Put red crystal in funnel Put orange rod in slot (1/67) W. Enter coffin. Pull lever Exit. S, S, S, S, S, U Push metal button. W Put orange rod in hatch. Close hatch save (s67) Put topaz in hole Get topaz then put it in sack X globe. X panel (England, 1985) Push metal button. E (1/68) E. X trees Search body. Get wallet (1/69) W, N Get leaflet then read it Put leaflet in sack N, NE. X device Touch device Again Again Again (looks like you have to go back in time to get the diamond keystone) W. X statue Pull rifle. Get rifle (1/70) Feel statue. Push metal button N (1/71) Get medallion, rod Push west wall W. Get cutters (1/72) Look in box. X box (the chemical formula is ethanol (an alcohol)) E, S, W Put all in sack Get wallet, bottle Open wallet then get papers Ask man about Germans Show papers to man (1/73) Get whisky (whiskey is misspelled) SE, S Ask man about trinkets. X trinkets Get medallion then give it to man Get badge then wear it (1/74) S, S, E Drop papers, wallet save (s74) S. Sit in chair Get sachet then x it Look under the table Z. Z. Z (1/75) (you must wait for the man to leave) Look under the table Get newspaper then read it Get note then drop newspaper Read note (interpret the note literally) Put note in ashtray Get lighter then burn note (1/76) Drop lighter Exit. N Get papers, wallet S. Get card. Buy cake Drop wallet. Get cake (1/77) N, W, N, E, NE (the man won't show up until you watch the history device) Get iron sphere (1/78) Read note Put iron sphere in groove then push it (remember the experiment name) Get iron sphere Put all in sack. Get papers save (s78) Knock on door. Answer about E (1/79) Give papers to man (1/80) Z. Z. Z SW. I W. I (guess what vanished) S, W, S Give papers to guard. Drop papers S (1/81) Remove badge. Unlock door with badge Drop badge. Open door. W (1/82) Open cabinet. Look up Earthan in files (remember the number) E, S. X door Get rod, cutters, bottle, sachet Aim rod at keypad. Turn handle Pull keypad. Cut red wire Drop cutters. Get keypad save (s82) E (1/83) Enter rug. X moose head (remember what was written on the statue box?) Pour whisky on head (1/84) (we could also have used the empty sack to reveal the cabinet by: Put sack on head and then get the sack back by: Remove sack from head) Drop bottle. Open cabinet Get adaptor, black box. X black box Open sachet. W Z. Z. Z (you have to wait until just the right moment) Throw sachet at woman W, N, N N, E, N Get pyramid. Push metal button. W X keypad. X adaptor Plug adaptor in keypad Type #### on keypad (use the number from the earthan file) Drop keypad. Put all in sack Get adaptor, pyramid, cake, rifle, key save (s84) X hole. X adaptor Put adaptor in hole (1/85) E, NE Z. Z. Z X globe. X panel (Austria, 1940) Push metal button E. Drop cake (2/87) (you could also have poured the whisky on the cake) NE, U. Push center button (make sure your light is off) Z. Z. Z. Z (1/88) Push top button. D, N Aim rifle at man. Show key to man. Hit man Get iron key. Unlock door with it (1/89) Drop rifle, brass key, iron key X car. Look under car. Feel pipes (1/90) Open door. Enter car. Close door Get pen Turn on headlights (1/91) save (s91) W (1/92) Turn off headlights. Open door. Exit Get dagger (1/93) NE (1/94) Get wine. SW, W Z. Z. Z Z. Z. Z. Z Look at head. Feel head. Look under head Put dagger in hole. Turn silver (earlier versions had a goblet here) D (1/95) W. Open refridgerator (refrigerator is misspelled) Look under it. Get red capsule E, E Put all in sack Get wine, pen, leaflet, iron sphere, black box save (s95) Read sign. Heil Hitler (hail works also) E. Put wine in window (the whisky works as well) Get key (1/96) S. Write note on leaflet (2/98) Unlock chains with key Give iron sphere to man. Give leaflet to man (have a nice trip) Push red button (2/100) Drop black box, pen N, W, S (1/101) X map. Turn castle. Look under table Unlock box with key. Open box save (s101) Push grey button. Hide under table Get rod. Aim rod at black button. Turn handle (1/102) Put rod, key in sack Get clear, red capsule Look. Pull brass swastikka. Turn it then push it. Open fireplace (1/103) W. Sit in chair. X chair X arm then open it. Eat red capsule save (s103) Push gold button (1/104) Z. Z. Z Get paper. Read it then tear it. Drop all (2/106) Exit. Look under the chair Pull diamond then get it (1/107) Put clear in contacts E, S (2/109) S, SW Get pyramid then push metal button. W Drop pyramid (we don't need the pyramid anymore) save (s109) Put diamond in hole Z. Z. Z. Z (1/110) Z. Get diamond X container. Get label then read it (1/111) Push bottom button. Read display (Ocean ship, 2008) W. Turn radio. Get chip (1/112) E, U. Crawl under truck (1/113) Put cell in sack. E. Listen Put label on pipe. Listen Put chip on grille. Get rod. Aim rod at chip. Turn handle N (1/114) X crate then read it Knock on crate. Pull panel Pull pole. Hit it then pull it Open crate. Get heavy (1/115) Put heavy in sack. S, E Smell. Get butt then open it (2/117) Open closet save (s117) S. Close closet Push center button (1/118) (just like that German night patrol) (you must wait for the person to leave) Push top button Open closet. N Get bracelet then x it S. Push star X body. Get cord (1/119) Put cord in sack Search body Again Get card, jewel (1/120) N. Look. X desk X statue. X film. Put film in mouth Push carved square. Drop bracelet (2/122) save (s122) Break mirror. Get tiny disc (1/123) W. X jewel. Feel jewel Aim rod at jewel. Turn handle (1/124) Put platinum in groove then push it Get it then put it in sack X card. Read card Hold card in purple light. Read card (2/126) W, D. Climb container. Get heavy Drop it then x it (this disc is light activated) Push switch (1/127) Get canister Feel north wall N, U, U X door then say aquarius Drop Card. E (1/128) save (s128) Look. X column. X canister Put canister in trough X column. X pad (this lets you know the colors of the pads) X red (start power) X orange (outside display) X yellow (navigation disc) X green (sonar - high pressure sound waves) X blue (broken) X indigo (torpedo) X violet (transport in beam) Touch red. Touch yellow (2/130) Put tiny disc in drive. Close drive (1/131) Touch orange (again until you hear the clang) Touch orange (you should see the green box) Touch violet (you should now have the green box) Touch orange Again (until the nervous/nasty feeling) Touch indigo (1/132) Touch orange (more trouble) Touch green pad Again (2/134) Get box (1/135) W (1/136) get rock put all in sack save (s136) N, NW (you must identify the time era (past, present, or future) of each keystone) Get diamond then put it in beam Get ruby then put it in beam Get topaz then put it in beam (do the above again and again until you have identified which keystone matches with each era) SE, NE Get diary. Read it then drop it Get gold sphere then put it in first Get silver sphere then put it in second (we don't have then third sphere, yet) Get bronze sphere then put it in fourth Get platinum sphere then put it in fifth Get brass sphere then put it in sixth SW, S, SW Get cord, cell, key, metal box Drop metal box X machine. Look in panel Attach cord to terminals. Put cell in panel. Close panel save (s137) Put key on platform. Get Put in container. Hit machine (5/141) Get key. Unlock metal box with key Drop key. Open metal box Get aged. Put it on platform. Hit machine Get aged. Read it then drop it. (when is the witching hour?) Get then put it in sack save (s141) Get chunk. Put it on platform Get Put in container. Hit machine Get stone sphere. Get (1/142) NE save (s142) (you can go NW, NE, SW and so symmetry suggests that you...) Get rod. Aim rod at SE wall Turn handle. Drop rod SE. X table (1/143) Get glass. NW, SW Put glass on platform. Get Put in container Hit machine. Get sapphire. Get (1/144) Get large stone (1/145) Put all in sack NE, SE X table. I Get then put it in left hole Get then put it in top hole Get then put it in right hole save (s145) Get large stone then put it in center hole (2/147) Get large stone. NW, N, NE Get all from sack. Drop sack Remove pendant then drop it Put stone sphere in third (1/148) X platform. Put large stone on platform (3/151) X electronic clock (remember the aged note?) (This is a modulus arithmatic problem the shortest solution is 1,2,2,2) Turn first cog Turn second cog Again Again (3/154) (another solution is 1,2,2,3,4,4) X box Put sapphire in keyhole (2/156) Z. Z (notice what she does with the frame) Search body. Get clock X it then feel it. (remember what year you came from) (The hand is already on 1) Push tiny Turn hand to 9 then push tiny Push tiny Turn hand to 7 then push tiny (1/157) save (s157) Exit. X pedestal then open it Pull red wire. Read plaque (1/158) Close pedestal then enter it. Jump (1/159) Think (1/160) save (s160) I. X watch Set watch (appears to be a program bug, you MUST do this) Look under stool (1/161) Throw band at Keighrey (2/163) Push button (2/165) (the whole class should start beeping) X desk Look under the books (1/166) save (s166) X gauge. Turn knob (2/168) Knock on door X desk. Get magnet (1/169) Hodder, give me watch (1/170) D, E X window. Put magnet on window Move magnet. Drop magnet Wait Again (until Hodder leaves) Open window. Enter window (1/171) Get spanner X ornament. Climb desk (1/172) Enter window. E X van (remember what was on the office door in 1940?) Look in van (2/174) save (s174) Crawl under van (1/175) X panel then open it Unscrew bolt with spanner. Drop spanner Get necklace (1/176) Wear it (1/177) E (Do NOT try to enter the door yet) Remove necklace then spin frame Enter door. Wear necklace (1/178) save (s178) I. U Remove helmet. Hit eyes Stand on gauntlet. Jump (10/188) save (s188) Get chain (X clock if you have the time) (The grandfather clock is a kind of locked safe) Put cog in pivot (X case if you have the time) (Remember what the aged note said about "The triangles went in two by two"?) Turn cog to 1 Turn cog to 4 Turn cog to 9 (2/190) Put chain on peg Put ball on chain Swing ball (4/194) save (s194) D. Look under body (1/195) Break frame (3/198) Z. Z (2/200) save (s200) Z Full ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For fun, have you tried... -- sending the cafe girl into the void? -- sending yourself to a year other than 1997? -- climbing the drainpipe?