"Tryst" step-by-step solution by pjg This is not the "official" solution. Feel free to write and upload a better solution if you want to. Otherwise, corrective modifications to this solution are welcomed and encouraged. For game Release 104 / Serial number 970330 Other game releases may be slightly different Takes about 510 moves. This game does not have to be solved in the linear manner presented here. If you get stuck then consult the relevant section of the solution for help. Comments and earned/total points are in () ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (your purpose in this game is to defeat the bad guys and recover your watch) Stand up Again Get gumball (a gnome will appear) N X gnome Ask George about bag Ask him about Beetlebaum Ask him about Frank Ask him about gumball (George will move) W Open closet (George will leave) Get bag then X it. Open bag E X dresser Open drawer Get gloves then wear it S, E Open shower Get soap (5/5) Put soap on zipper Open bag Drop soap Remove gloves then drop it W, S (you need to unlock Kati's door) NE. Get bench S. Drop bench Stand on bench then get key Exit Unlock door with key then drop key Open Door S (5/10) Search clothes Get pack Open closet then get safe N, NE X pack then read label Shake pack Put pack on gum Drop pack Get gum (5/15) S save "s15" Chew gum (this is, apparently, George's lab cabin) X paper then get it Wait Again (if you wait long enough the dust will begin to bother you) Blow dust Again Again (10/25) X paper (we now know a magic word) Dehlila Wait Again (wait for the blast of wind) (you will appear back in the hallway) Get bag, safe NE (Mark will be here) X safe then shake it Open safe Give safe to Mark (5/30) Get key S, N, W Dehlila (5/35) Open door S Get box Unlock box with key Open box (the secret trapdoor will appear) Open trapdoor Drop all D Get gum (you are finished with the house) save "s35" Chew gum (15/50) (notice the flavor of the gum) W, S (you won't stay long in the swamp, but notice the berries and the smooth flat rock) W, NE, N N, N Read sign (you must eventually do everything that the sign prohibits) W (this is a good central location in the game. We will make this our base of operations) save "s50" W, N Look under floorboard (5/55) Get match (you only need 1 match) Get gum Open box then get cube X door Tear cloth W X stalk then get corn E, S, S (you do not have the key to the jail) X jail (you will come back later) W, U X nest Look in nest Get note then read it (5/60) D, E, E, N Get pan then x it (what did people in the old west do with pans?) Look in hole (you will take care of the hole later) N X machine (this is a coin press) Look under table Read green then drop it (this is an endgame clue) S, S, S X table X writing Clean table with cloth (the cloth is not yet ready for cleaning) X machine (if you had a coin then you could play the machine) Read crumpled then drop it Set first wheel to 9 Set second wheel to 2 Set third wheel to 8 Set fourth wheel to 9 Set fifth wheel to 3 X wheels N save "s60" E, S, S S, SW, SW X magnetite Put pan in water Shake pan Get gold then drop pan (5/65) Put cloth in water SW, S Get sprig N, NE NE, NE, N N, N, W N, N X machine Put gold in plate Pull lever (5/70) Get coin then x it S, S, S X slot Put coin in slot save "s70" Pull lever (10/80) (you will win a bottle) Get bottle then open it Drop cork (you must talk to George before drinking the bottle) Clean table with cloth (5/85) Drop cloth Read writing (you must figure out the acronym) N save "s85" E, N N. Open door X door X paint splotches (now you know what the acronym is) Touch red Touch orange Touch yellow Touch blue Touch orange Touch blue (10/95) Open door N Enter stall. Get shovel. Exit U. Get fork. D E. X grass Search grass Get tin (5/100) W, S, S, W save "s100" (let's go explore west of town, but first...) E, S, E (Read marker) Dig plot with shovel Again Again Again (you will find some boots) Drop shovel Get boots then look in it (5/105) Look. Read note Give corn to bird Wear boots W, N, W save "s105" W, W, W Get spoon (you are not yet ready to go SW) NW, NE, N Get lantern S, W Read sign Read book Put cube, gum, sprig in cauldron Mix cauldron with spoon (10/115) Get gumball Drop spoon X sketch Ask george about Dehlila Ask him about gumball Ask him about town (you will get a lot of good information) E, SW, SE (west "leads" to Herringville) E, E, E Drop all but bottle, gumball S save "s115" Chew gum Drink whiskey (you have drunk...) X barkeep Ask barkeep about Thad (5/120) N (Black Thad will appear) X thad Shoot Thad (10/130) (you have shot...) Get boots then wear it E Get knife then x it W, N Get tin save "s130" E, S, S S, SW, E Open tin Get balm Wear balm S (10/140) X rock Sharpen knife on rock (5/145) Get berries then eat it (George was right about Dehlila) N. Drop tin W, SW, SW S, SE Cut branch with knife (5/150) Get stick NW, N, NE NE, NE, N N, N, W (you need some more gum) W, N Get gum S, E, N Chew gum Put gum on stick Put stick in hole (10/160) Drop stick Get locket then wear it S. Get all save "s160" W, W, W, SW (5/165) (you must be wearing the boots) S, E U. Say wheel (5/170) U. Say candle (5/175) U. Say oil U (notice the bird) Get can. D Get candle. D Get wheel. D, D W Cut rope with knife (5/180) Drop knife W Light match Light candle with match Drop match, lantern (you don't need the lantern) save "s180" W, W (follow the flame) NE Look in crack Get piece (10/190) Open locket Put piece in locket (5/195) Close locket NE (flame indicates W) W, W Get accordion (remember the boot note?) E, E, SW SW, E, E Drop candle save "s195" (you are done with the mine. If you want to explore it furthur then the non-random path to the ends is: W, W, W, NW, NW SW, NW, SW, SW, W first end: N, W second end: W, W, N, N, E, E enter the chute to return to the entrance) E, E, U U, U, U (remember the boot note?) Play accordion D, D, D, D Get rock then x it (5/200) Read lettering (the lettering is "Detonator" written backwards and shifted) W, N, NE Drop boots (you don't need the boots anymore) NW, NE, W (remember what the berries revealed?) Rub locket Get key (5/205) E, SW, SE E, E, E, E Read sign Cuss S (you will be arrested and thrown in jail as you try to leave town) Get bar (5/210) Wait Again (wait about 14 turns for the sheriff to return) Open door N, E save "s210" (you are finished with the town and everything west of it) E, S, S, W Move rail with bar Drop bar E, E Get weeds with fork (5/215) Drop fork Oil handcar with can (5/220) (don't drop anything on the handcar) Drop can Enter handcar X handle Move handle (by the crossing) Again (by the bar) Again (by the snakes) Again (at the end) (10/230) Exit save "s230" Read sign X door X wheel Put wheel on peg Read plaque (The capital letters are the combination) Turn wheel Left (a subtle noise means that you went the wrong way and must Undo or start over) Turn it Right Turn it Right Turn it Left Turn it Left Turn it Left Turn it Right (10/240) Open door S Unlock box with key Drop key Open box Get stick N Enter car X lever Pull lever (the lever must be in the aft position to go back) Move handle (snakes) Again (bar) Again (crossing) Exit S, SW, SW SW, S, SW, W X pile Put stick in pile save "s240" Throw rock at stick (5/245) Rub locket W (5/250) N, N Get blanket Open door Rub locket save "s250" W (10/260) X cutout Open cover Cover opening with blanket X frank X stove X grille X flue X lever Wait Again (you must wait until the watch and apple appear) Look (you will soon stop being invisible, so...) E (wait until you are heavier on your feet) Rub locket W (the apple and watch will be in the room) Pull lever Wait (20/280) (you will trap the brothers) Get watch, apple (20/300) E save "s300" Untie horse Feed apple to horse (5/305) Get on horse X pair Blizzard (15/320) X Thad Beetlebaum Z. Z (30/350) save "s350" Stand up Amusing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For fun have you tried... -- drinking the bath water? -- giving the toy car to Mark? -- blowing the whistle? -- reading what you find under the bed? -- getting the nail? -- to reach Herringville?