"A Change in the Weather" step-by-step solution by pjg For game release 6 / Serial number 960613 Winner in the Inform category of the 1995 usenet worldwide interactive fiction contest Congratulations to Andrew Plotkin Comments are in () --------------------------------------------------------------------- E,S Get all N Fill bucket NE Pour water on mud Get spade Drop bucket E X rock Move rock with spade Wait Again (wait for the fox to appear) Throw shaft Again Look Get key (you have time to go and explore if you want) E Wait Again (until the rainy night comes) save game (the rest of the game is very tightly timed so we will not do any RESTORE's after we wake up) Sleep Drop blanket (this will cost you 1 move) (you don't really have to drop the blanket now, but it is nice to have a dry blanket later) W, NW, SE, S Unlock door with key Drop key (this will cost you 1 move) (you could drop the key inside the shack if you wanted, but then you could never get it back later if you wanted it) E (wait for lighting) (if the lightning doesn't come now, then you have taken too many turns and must start over) Get torn W, N, SW, N Drop torn NE, E Push rock south (other directions will also work) Get blade NW, SE Wedge blade in crack S, E (wait for lighting) Get dirty W Throw dirty across gap N Get dirty, branch SW, N Drop dirty save game Examine bridge (wait for the fox to yip) Dig spot Again (until the beam erodes) Wedge branch under bridge Dig spot Again (until morning) I (told you it would be nice to have a dry blanket) W, NW, SW, W, W ---------------------------------------------------------------------