#!/bin/bash # int-fiction.sh 1.0 # (c)2004 Lee Bigelow # # A bash script to display a menu of available int-fiction games # from a directory and pick the right interpreter to play them. Or # just play play a game passed on the command line with the right interpreter. # It uses whiptail or dialog to make the menu. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA # or view it online at: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html IFIC_DIR="$HOME/int-fiction/" IFSAVE_DIR="$IFIC_DIR/ifsaved/" ##################### # This is where the graphic players would go if [ $DISPLAY ]; then PLAYERS=" zoom:[Zz][1-9] xnitfol:[Zz][1-9] glulxex:[Uu][Ll][Xx],[Bb][Ll][Bb] xtads:[Gg][Aa][Mm] hewx:[Hh][Ee][Xx] gtkscare:[Tt][Aa][Ff] " fi ##################### # This is where the console players go PLAYERS=$PLAYERS" frotz:[Zz][0-9] nitfol:[Zz][1-9] t3run:[Tt]3 t23run:[Tt]3,[Gg][Aa][Mm] glulxeterm:[Uu][Ll][Xx],[Bb][Ll][Bb] he:[hH][eE][xX] glkarun:[Aa][Cc][Dd] " ################## #Check for passed gamefile or help if [ "$#" -gt "1" ] || [ x"$@" = x"-h" ]; then echo "usage: $0 [gamefile]" echo echo "If passed a gamefile, it will play it with the apropriate player." echo "If nothing is passed it will attempt to make a menu of games" echo "available using whiptail." exit fi ################## # set game var to first argument passed, if relative make absolute path if [ -f "$PWD/$1" ]; then game="$PWD/$1" else game="$1" fi ##################### # check the directory where game files are located, if no gamefile passed. if [ ! "$game" ] && [ ! -d "$IFIC_DIR" ]; then echo Could not find directory: echo $IFIC_DIR echo echo Please set up such a directory for your int-fiction story files, or echo edit and change the default directory this script: echo "$0". echo read -p "Press Enter to Exit..." exit fi ##################### # Set up and change into a save directory [ ! -d "$IFSAVE_DIR" ] && mkdir "$IFSAVE_DIR" if [ -d "$IFSAVE_DIR" ]; then cd $IFSAVE_DIR else echo Error could not create IF save directory: echo $IFSAVE_DIR echo echo Please edit this file: $0 echo to change the defaults echo read -p "Press Enter to Exit..." exit fi #################### # function to playgame with appropriate interp playgame () { game="$1" echo game $game gameext="${game##*.}" interp="" for player in $PLAYERS do exts="${player##*:}" exts="${exts//,/ }" for ext in $exts do if [[ "$gameext" == $ext ]]; then interp="$(which ${player%%:*})" possible=$possible"${player%%:*} " fi done [ "$interp" ] && break done if [ "$interp" ]; then $interp "$game" else whiptail --clear --title "Error" --msgbox \ "Player for file $game not found.... =================================== For the game type \"$gameext\" Install one of the following players: $possible Or edit this file \"$0\" to include a player not listed" 0 0 fi } ################## # if game passed to script play it if [ "$game" ]; then playgame $game exit fi ##################### # make a list files based on interpreters. EXTS="" # regex container for all file extensions for player in $PLAYERS; do exts="${player##*:}" exts="${exts//,/\|}" EXTS=$EXTS"\|"$exts done files=$(find $IFIC_DIR -regex ".*\.\($EXTS\)") if [ -z "$files" ]; then echo Could not find any int-fiction files in $IFIC_DIR read -p "Press Enter to Exit..." exit fi ##################################### #make file name list for whiptail menu and full path lookup tag=$(echo $'\b') #needed for empty whiptail tag entry for file in $files; do gpaths=$gpaths"$file:$(basename $file) " gmenu=$gmenu"$(basename $file) $tag\n" done gmenu=$(echo -e $gmenu|sort -f) ####################### # and now the menu loop if which whiptail; then MENUPRG="whiptail" elif which dialog; then MENUPRG="dialog" else echo Error no menuing program found. echo I require the program whiptail or dialog echo in order to make the menu. echo echo Press Enter to exit... read x exit fi tempfile=$(tempfile 2>/dev/null) || tempfile=/tmp/ific$$ while true do $MENUPRG --clear \ --title "Interactive Fiction Game Selector" \ --menu "For more games and reviews see Baf's Guide to Interactive Fiction: http://www.wurb.com/if/index Select a Game to Play:" 0 0 0\ $gmenu 2> $tempfile game=$(cat $tempfile) rm -f $tempfile for gpath in $gpaths; do if [ "${gpath##*:}" = "$game" ]; then game="${gpath%%:*}" break fi done if [ "$game" ]; then playgame "$game" else exit fi done