ifwiki: IF Art Show
       These are exhibits from Marnie Parker's (aka Doe aka FemaleDeer)
       IF Art Show contests.
       7 Subdirectories:
 (DIR) spring1999
 (DIR) summer1999
 (DIR) year2000
 (DIR) year2001
 (DIR) year2003
 (DIR) year2004
 (DIR) year2007
       3 items:
 (TXT) concept.txt
       The Concept Behind IF Art:
       two news postings that gave rise to the idea.
 (TXT) visual.inf
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Source code for Visualizing, an IF Art example by
       Marnie Parker.
 (BIN) visual.z5
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Visualizing, an IF Art example by Marnie Parker
       Version 1.70 / Release 1 / Serial number 000218
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/