3 items:
 (BIN) dad.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Papa wird vermisst, a German interactive story by Ulrike Pilz
       (11 years old), programmed by Uwe Pilz.
       ALAN 2.7 game file and source code.
 (BIN) hermet.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Hermetisch verschlossen v1.1.1, a German mystery by Uwe Pilz.
       ALAN game files and DOS executable.
       Source code available on request from the author.
 (HTM) /if-archive/games/pc/german/
 (BIN) oskar.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Oskar und der Tod v1.1, a German detective story by Uwe Pilz.
       Source code available on request from the author.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/