ifwiki: Archetype
       This directory contains data files of games written and compiled wi
       Derek T. Jones' Archetype programming laguange.
       You need the interpreter from [programming/archetype](../../program
       2 items:
 (BIN) gorreven.acx
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       The Gorreven Papers, by Derek T. Jones.
       To think of them was unspeakable; to speak of them was
       unthinkable. They're in the wrong hands, and you, intrepid
       agent that you are, went after them. But something went wrong
       and now you're their prisoner! Escape with the Gorreven Papers -
       and your life, if you can.
 (BIN) starship.acx
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       The Starship Solitaire adventure, by Derek T. Jones.
       Hidden objective - you've got to play it to find out what you
       have to do! Awakened from suspended animation, alone on a
       starship, the fate of the slumbering crew depends on you.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/