29 items:
 (BIN) A_Beauty_Cold_and_Austere-r2.gblorb
       A Beauty Cold and Austere, an Interactive Digression
       by Mike Spivey.
       Release 2 / Serial Number 180112
 (BIN) A_Beauty_Cold_and_Austere-r3.gblorb
       A Beauty Cold and Austere, an Interactive Digression
       by Mike Spivey.
       Release 3 / Serial Number 180928.
 (BIN) Alabaster-r1.gblorb
       Alabaster, a fractured fairy tale by John Cater,
       Rob Dubbin, Eric Eve, Elizabeth Heller, Jayzee,
       Kazuki Mishima, Sarah Morayati, Mark Musante,
       Emily Short, Adam Thornton and Ziv Wities, and
       illustrated by Daniel Allington-Krzysztofiak.
       Release 1 / Serial number 090604
 (BIN) Bullhockey-r1-s181125.gblorb
       Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay.
       Release 1 / Serial number 181125
 (BIN) Bullhockey-r1-s181218.gblorb
       Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay.
       Release 1 / Serial number 181218
 (BIN) Bullhockey-r1-s181220.gblorb
       Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay.
       Release 1 / Serial number 181220
 (BIN) Bullhockey-r1-s190103.gblorb
       Bullhockey!, by Bill F Lindsay.
       Release 1 / Serial number 190103
 (BIN) Checkpoint-r1.zip
       Checkpoint, by Daniel River
       Release 1 / Serial number 200506
       Archive includes Glulx game file, manual, and solution.
 (BIN) Checkpoint-r2.zip
       Checkpoint, by Daniel River
       Release 2 / Serial number 200521
       Archive includes Glulx game file, manual, and solution.
 (BIN) CounterfeitMonkey-r6.gblorb
       Counterfeit Monkey.
       A Removal, by Emily Short.
       Release 6 / Serial number 160520
 (BIN) CounterfeitMonkey-r7.gblorb
       Counterfeit Monkey.
       A Removal, by Emily Short.
       Release 7 / Serial number 171224
 (BIN) CounterfeitMonkey-r8.gblorb
       Counterfeit Monkey.
       A Removal, by Emily Short.
       Release 8 / Serial number 181204
 (BIN) CounterfeitMonkey-r9.gblorb
       Counterfeit Monkey.
       A Removal, by Emily Short.
       Release 9 / Serial number 200810
 (BIN) Crack_open_a_cold_one-r1-s170706.gblorb
       Crack open a cold one with the Boiz, by Mikhail Mikheev.
       Release 1 / Serial number 170706
 (BIN) FlexibleSurvival-r28.gblorb
       Flexible Survival, by Nuku Valente.
       Release 28 / Serial number 110307
       WARNING: Contains adult content.
 (BIN) NecronsKeep-r2.gblorb
       Necron's Keep, an interactive roll playing game,
       by Dan Welch.
       Release 2 / Serial number 110101
 (BIN) NecronsKeep-r3.gblorb
       Necron's Keep, an interactive roll playing game,
       by Dan Welch.
       Release 3 / Serial number 180120
 (BIN) NoSignShouldRemainInert-r2.zip
       No Sign Should Remain Inert, by Lucila Mayol.
       Release 2 / Serial number 180606
 (BIN) ReorsBushCave-r1.zip
       Reor's Bush-Cave (The Sprout Pouch pt 4),
       by Richard Headkid.
       Release 1 / Serial number 170406
       WARNING: Contains adult content.
       ZIP file contains the full game in Glulx format, an
       abridged version in Z-code, HTML files for playing in a
       browser, an APK file for Android, a game manual PDF,
       clues PDF, and censored versions in both Glulx and Z-Code.
 (BIN) Six-r4.zip
       Six, by Wade Clarke.
       Release 4 / Serial number 120805
       Archive includes the story file, instruction manual,
       map, cover artwork and release history.
       (source code is in games/source/inform/six_source-r4.zip
       and the original competition entry is in
 (BIN) Six-r5.zip
       Six, by Wade Clarke.
       Release 5 / Serial number 170723
       Archive includes the story file, instruction manual,
       map, cover artwork and release history.
       (source code is in games/source/inform/six_source.zip
       and the original competition entry is in
 (BIN) The_House_of_Mystery-r4.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       The House of Mystery, An Interactive Fantasy
       by James G. Lynch.
       Release 4 / Serial number 180608
 (BIN) The_Realm_of_Aoria-r1-s160412.gblorb
       The Realm of A'oria, by Sylen.
       Release 1 / Serial number 160412
       WARNING: Contains adult content.
 (BIN) To_Hell_in_a_Hamper-r1.gblorb
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       To Hell in a Hamper, An Interactive Adventure Story,
       by J. J. Guest.
       Release 1 / Serial number 170412
       (an Adrift version is in games/adrift/ToHellInAHamper.zip,
       and a TADS version is in games/tads/hamper.gam)
 (BIN) ZorkI7-r3.ulx
       Zork: A Computerized Fantasy Simulation Game.
       This is the more or less public domain version of the
       original MIT Zork, ported to Inform 7 by Dean Menezes.
       Release 3 / Serial number 080504
 (BIN) illum-r1.gblorb
       Illuminismo Iniziato, an Interactive Illumination
       by Michael J. Coyne.
       Release 2 / Serial number 180228
 (BIN) illum-r2.gblorb
       Illuminismo Iniziato, an Interactive Illumination
       by Michael J. Coyne.
       Release 2 / Serial number 181001
 (BIN) risorg-r4.ulx
       Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration,
       written by Michael Coyne.
       Release 4 / Serial number 060308
       (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/old/risorg-r4.z8,
       source code is in games/source/inform/risorg_src.zip, and
       the original competition entry is in
 (BIN) risorg-r5.ulx
       Risorgimento Represso, an Interactive Invigoration,
       written by Michael Coyne.
       Release 5 / Serial number 171024
       (a Z-code version is in games/zcode/old/risorg-r5.z8, and
       the original competition entry is in
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/