This directory contains files relating to various mini-competitions
       run via the Usenet group
       43 Subdirectories:
 (DIR) abilitycomp
 (DIR) adrift
 (DIR) arcade
 (DIR) cgdc7
 (DIR) chicken
 (DIR) commodore32
 (DIR) coverstories
 (DIR) dino
 (DIR) dragon
 (DIR) ectocomp
 (DIR) envcomp
 (DIR) fan-fest
 (DIR) gameplaycomp
 (DIR) ghosttown
 (DIR) highland
 (DIR) hours
 (DIR) ifbeginners
 (DIR) imaginary
 (DIR) introcomp
 (DIR) library
 (DIR) logic
 (DIR) lotech
 (DIR) manos
 (DIR) mcdream
 (DIR) metafilter
 (DIR) mini-comp
 (DIR) minigames
 (DIR) newyears
 (DIR) no-inventory
 (DIR) oneroom
 (DIR) rncomp
 (DIR) segment
 (DIR) shufflecomp
 (DIR) smoochie
 (DIR) speedif
 (DIR) swashcomp
 (DIR) toaster
 (DIR) travel
 (DIR) twifcomp
 (DIR) usecomp
 (DIR) wacky
 (DIR) walk
 (DIR) xcomp
       1 item:
       three .html files which contain suggestions from to Cardinal Teulbach's requests for
       characters, locations, and objects which he planned on putting
       into one big, silly game. The Cardinal then decided he was too
       busy for the project, so it was handed off to a committee,
       which got a little done on it, but it died again.
       Written up and submitted as a source of ideas for the
       mini-competition by Julian Arnold.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
       This mirror is a public service of