15 items:
 (BIN) BASIC-Model100.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       A collection of games written in BASIC for the TRS-80
       Model 100:
       Galaxy Trek Adventure, by Howard Batie -
       a Star Trek Classic adventure.
       Crash - you play a survivor of a plane crash.
       Haunted House, by Barry Gaskins.
       House Adventure - a treasure hunt in a
       monster-infested house.
       The Nuclear Submarine Adventure, by Steven Neighorn.
       Teeny Tiny Text Adventure, by Tim Ekdom - you're
       searching for a million dollars in an old house.
 (BIN) Greg-Hassett.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       A collection of Greg Hassett's games for the TRS-80
       Model 1:
       Devil's Palace
       Enchanted Island
       Enchanted Island Plus
       House of the Seven Gables
       World's Edge
 (BIN) Odyssey_1_Damsel_In_Distress.zip
       The first part of Joel Mick's Odyssey trilogy.
 (BIN) Odyssey_2_Treasure_Island.zip
       The second part of Joel Mick's Odyssey trilogy.
 (BIN) Odyssey_3_Journey_Through_Time.zip
       The third part of Joel Mick's Odyssey trilogy.
 (TXT) SA-Copyright.txt
       Copyright notice from Scott Adams, dated 24nov97
       [file is linked to emulators/trs80/SA-Copyright.txt,
       games/spectrum/SA-Copyright.txt, and
 (BIN) daggor.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Dungeons of Daggorath, a graphical RPG for the TRS-80
       Color Computer by Douglas J. Morgan.
 (BIN) drlvgstn.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Dr. Livingston Adventure for the TRS-80 Model 1,
       by R.B. Fullerton (1980).
 (BIN) germany.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Three TRS-80 text adventures by Anthony J. Wood:
       Germany 1942
       Ruins at Time's Edge
       Space Hunt
 (BIN) medvladv.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Medieval Adventure for the TRS-80 Model 1,
       by Hugh Lampert (1980).
 (BIN) pyramid2000coco.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Pyramid 2000 by Robert Arnstein, for the TRS-80 Color
 (BIN) pyramid2000trs.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Pyramid 2000 by Robert Arnstein, for the TRS-80 Model 1.
 (BIN) qustfire.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Quest for Fire, by Anthony J. Wood. A text adventure
       for the TRS-80, with source code and walkthrough.
 (TXT) treasure4.txt
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Treasure Dungeon 2, by David E. White.
       BASIC source code.
 (BIN) trs.zip
       TRS-80 Adventure Game Pack for MS-DOS, compiled by
       Gunther Schmidl. Contains TRSF-80 revision 0.1, a TRS-80
       Model I emulator for DOS by Ron Fries, some walkthroughs,
       and the following games:
       Pirate Adventure
       Mission Impossible
       Voodoo Castle
       The Count
       Strange Odyssey
       Mystery Fun House
       Pyramid of Doom
       Ghost Town
       Savage Island Parts 1 and 2
       The Golden Voyage
       Adventure 13
       White Palm
       Martec's Tomb
       Lost Island
       The House of the Seven Gables
       Gargoyle Castle
       Ice World War
       Time Adventure
       Crowley Manor
       Escape from Traan
       Lucifer's Realm
       Saigon: The Final Days
       Enchanted Island Plus
       The Domes of Kilgari
       Devil's Palace
       World's Edge
       Death Dreadnought
       [file is linked to emulators/trs80/trs.zip]
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/