13 items:
 (BIN) csdemo.zip
       A demo of Cornerstone.
 (TXT) how_to_play_these_games
       by Gareth Rees, last updated October 1995
       [file is linked to games/zcode/how_to_play_these_games]
 (BIN) minizork.z3
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       Mini-Zork I: data file of a demo originally distributed for
       the Commodore 64 (see minizork.zip)
 (BIN) minizork.zip
       The Mini-Zork demo from Infocom, put onto a C64 disk along with
       the text accompanying it from the UK C64 magazine Zzap! 64.
       D64 disk image.
       [file is linked to games/c64/minizork.zip]
 (BIN) sampler1_R26.z3
       Data file of the 1984 Infocom Sampler (Release 26 /
       Serial Number 840731). Contains an Infocom interactive
       fiction tutorial and samples of four Infocom games:
       Zork I, Planetfall, Infidel, and The Witness.
 (BIN) sampler1_R52.z3
       Same as above, Release 52 / Serial number 850402
 (BIN) sampler1_R53.z3
       Same as above, Release 53 / Serial Number 850407
 (BIN) sampler1_R55.z3
       Same as above, Release 55 / Serial Number 850823
 (BIN) sampler2.z3
       Data file of the second Infocom Sampler (Release 97 /
       Serial Number 870601) with an interactive fiction tutorial
       (a sequence from Wishbringer) and samples of three Infocom
       games: Zork I, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, and Trinity
 (BIN) zork_1_demo.zip
 (HTM) IFDB entry
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       The first sampler (ID1) from Infocom, featuring the
       "Catch-a-Butterfly" demo along with a section of Zork 1.
       Archive also includes a JPEG of an advert for this demo
       taken from "The New Zork Times" Page 7; Vol. 3, No. 3;
       Summer 1984.
 (BIN) zorkdemo.zip
       Return to Zork, sneak preview by Activision
 (BIN) ztuu.pdf
 (HTM) IFDB entry
       The manual for Zork: The Undiscovered Underground,
       as a PDF formatted in the style of the original
       Infocom manuals, converted by Chris Marsh.
 (BIN) ztuu.zip
       Zork: The Undiscovered Underground,
       a text adventure prequel to Zork Grand inquisitor.
       Written by Marc Blank and Mike Berlyn,
       programmed by Gerry Kevin Wilson.
       Release 16 / Serial number 970828
       This file seems to have disappeared from Activision's web
       site, so hopefully putting the file here is okay.
       Z5 game file, Readme, and InvisiClues.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/