YAZI (Yet Another Z-Interpreter) by George Madrid and Sanjay Vakil 
       Z-code interpreter for the Apple Newton. It is based an Mark Howell
       Graham Nelson's `The Specification of the Z-Machine, Standard 0.2'.
       The shareware version present here ($25) is somewhat crippled: you 
       your game at any time, but the games saved after more than 50 moves
       be restored in the shareware version.
       4 items:
 (TXT) readme.txt
       detailed description of YAZI
 (HEX) register-1_0_1.sit.hqx
       Newton Register 1.0.1; can be used to register YAZI
 (HEX) yazibeta.hqx
       Macintosh package with YAZI Beta
 (BIN) yazibeta.zip
       DOS package with YAZI Beta
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