This directory contains files relating to
       The Specification of the Z-Machine.
       1 Subdirectory:
 (DIR) zspec02
       11 items:
       An archive of the postings to the Z-Machine mailing
       list from March 1997 through early June 1997, in
       plain text format. Compiled by Allen Garvin.
       An archive of the postings to the Z-Machine mailing
       list from June 1997 through early August 2002, in
       Unix mbox format. Compiled by Gavin Lambert.
       The Z-Machine Standards Document Version 1.0 (04sep97)
       (also known as "The Specification of the Z-Machine"),
       by Graham Nelson.
       Adobe Acrobat PDF format, converted by Kirk Klobe.
       The Z-Machine Standards Document Version 1.0 (04sep97)
       (also known as "The Specification of the Z-Machine"),
       by Graham Nelson.
       HTML format for web browsers; start with index.html
 (TXT) ZSpec11.txt
       Z-Machine Standard 1.1 Document, written by
       Kevin Bracey and Jason C. Penney.
 (TXT) blorb-infocom-extension.txt
       A document specifying an extension to Blorb 1.1 to
       handle the original graphics of the four Infocom V6
       games, written by Kevin Bracey.
       [file is linked from infocom/media/blorb/blorb-infocom-extension.tx
 (TXT) blorb_format.txt
       Blorb: An IF Resource Collection Format Standard,
       Version 1.1, by Andrew Plotkin.
       [file is linked from programming/blorb/blorb_format.txt]
 (TXT) savefile_14.txt
       Z-machine Common Save-File Format Standard, also
       called Quetzal (Quetzal Unifies Efficiently The
       Z-Machine Archive Language).
       Version 1.4 (03nov97), by Martin Frost.
       The Z-Machine Standards Document Version 1.0 (04sep97)
       (also known as "The Specification of the Z-Machine"),
       by Graham Nelson, as well as the Quetzal and Blorb
       formats, and the proposed Standard 1.1.
       Adobe Acrobat PDF format, converted by Peer Schaefer.
       The Z-Machine Standards Document Version 1.1
       (also known as "The Specification of the Z-Machine"),
       by Graham Nelson. This is the Version 1.0 document
       with changes from the Version 1.1 update included.
 (DIR) zspec02
       A directory for The Specification of the Z-Machine,
       Standard 0.2. This has been superceded by the 1.0
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
       This mirror is a public service of