10 items:
 (BIN) Infolaunch.zip
       An Infocom Game Launcher for Windows, by Donnie Russell.
       Identifies, lists and launches different versions of Infocom
       games, automatically converting an existing game to another
       known version if patches are available.
 (BIN) czech_0_8.zip
       CZECH: Comprehensive Z-machine Emulation CHecker
       by Amir Karger, version 0.8.
       A set of tests to determine whether a Z-machine interpreter
       is compliant with the Z-machine Specification (currently
       1.0, with some fixes from 1.1draft7).
 (BIN) etude.tar.Z
       TerpEtude: A Z-Machine Interpreter Exerciser by
       Andrew Plotkin, Release 2.
       Tests compliance with Z-Machine Standards Document 0.99.
       Inform 6 source code and compiled game file.
 (BIN) infomenu.zip
       InfoMenu version 0.9C (second beta release), by Calvin Richter.
       A menu front end for Infocom format games, shows you your game
       files and lets you start your favorite interpreter on them.
 (BIN) makeprc.zip
       MS-DOS utility to convert a Z-Code file to a PalmOS
       database, for use with either PalmFrotz or PalmZip.
 (BIN) praxix.zip
       Praxix: A Z-code interpreter unit test, by Zarf and Dannii.
       Release 1 / Serial number 180329 / Inform v6.31
 (TXT) strictz.inf
       Inform source code for Torbjorn Andersso's strict error
       checking program.
 (BIN) strictz.z5
       An Inform program to test for strict error checking in the
       interpreter, written by Torbjorn Andersson. Compiled Z-code.
 (HEX) zipwrap.hqx
       Macintosh utility to convert a Z-Code file to a PalmOS
       database, for use with either PalmFrotz or PalmZip.
 (TXT) zwrap.pl
       Zwrap 1.00, by David Griffith. A Perl program that
       takes a Z-code file and produces as output a Perl program
       containing the Z-code file, in effect creating a
       self-extracting Z-code executable for Unix systems.
       Requires Unix Frotz.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/