18 items:
 (BIN) ADRIFT40.zip
       Full installation for Adrift 4.00.53. Includes
       executables, a manual and an uninstaller,
       by Campbell Wild.
 (BIN) ADRIFT5Setup.zip
       Full installation for Adrift Includes
       executables, a manual and an uninstaller,
       by Campbell Wild.
 (BIN) ADRIFT5r.zip
       Runner for Adrift, by Campbell Wild.
 (BIN) BeginnersGuide.zip
       ADRIFT Beginner's Guide (HTML), by Mystery.
 (BIN) MacScare-CLI.zip
       SCARE 1.3.3 for Mac OS X, command line binary,
       by M. Uli Kusterer.
 (BIN) MacScare-GUI.zip
       SCARE 1.3.3 for Mac OS X, GUI based binary,
       by M. Uli Kusterer.
 (BIN) MacScare-Source.zip
       Mac specific source code for the OS X port of SCARE
       1.3.3, ported by M. Uli Kusterer. To build the main
       SCARE source archive is also required.
 (BIN) Manual.pdf
       Manual for Adrift 4.0, by Campbell Wild.
 (BIN) gtkscare-0.4.tgz
       Linux build of GtkScare 0.4, a port of SCARE 1.3.2 to
       GTK+ 2.0, ported by Pallav Nawani.
 (BIN) gtkscare-src-0.4.tgz
       Source code for GtkScare 0.4, a port of SCARE 1.3.2 to
       GTK+ 2.0, ported by Pallav Nawani.
 (BIN) jAsea-0.2t.jar
       Java class files for jAsea 0.2t, a Java interpreter
       for Adrift, by Mark Tilford.
 (BIN) scare-1.3.10.zip
       Source code for SCARE 1.3.10, a clone of the jAsea
       Adrift interpreter written in C by Simon Baldwin.
 (BIN) scare-1.3.10_amiga.lha
       SCARE 1.3.10 for the Amiga, ported by David Kinder.
 (BIN) scare-1.3.10_dos.zip
       SCARE 1.3.10 for MS-DOS, by Simon Baldwin.
 (BIN) scare-1.3.10_linux.tgz
       Glk and console builds of SCARE 1.3.10 for Linux, by
       Simon Baldwin.
 (BIN) scare-1.3.10_win.zip
       Glk build of SCARE 1.3.10 for Windows, compiled by
       David Kinder.
 (BIN) scare-1.3.8_mos.lha
       SCARE 1.3.8 for Amiga MorphOS, ported by
       Jan-Erik Karlsson.
 (BIN) taf2inf.tgz
       taf2inf, a Perl script that performs a simple ADRIFT
       to Inform conversion, by Mark Tilford.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/