16 items:
 (HEX) AdvSysMac.sit.hqx
       AdvSys v1.2 for the Macintosh (68k and PPC)
       by William Bryant
 (TXT) AdvSysMac.txt
       Notes on AdvSys v1.2 for the Macintosh,
       by William Bryant
 (BIN) NewParser.tar.gz
       An improved parser for the ANSI version of AdvSys 1.2.
       C source code by Boris J. H. Boesler.
       use this file together with advsys.ansi.tar.Z
 (BIN) advsydos.zip
       DOS executables of the AdvSys version 1.2 compiler and
       interpreter, the source modules that had to be changed,
       and an accompanying description; by Volker Blasius
 (BIN) advsys-glkterm-0.1-linux86-libc6.tgz
       Linux x86 executables of the AdvSys 1.2 interpreter.
       Glk build 0.1, by Michael Chen.
 (BIN) advsys-winglk-20011221-src.zip
       Source code for the Windows Glk port of the AdvSys
       1.2 interpreter, written by Michael Chen.
 (BIN) advsys-winglk-20011221.zip
       Windows Glk executables of the AdvSys 1.2
       interpreter. Glk build 21/12/2001, by Michael Chen.
 (BIN) advsys.ansi.tar.Z
       ANSI-fied version of advsys.tar.Z, i.e.
       AdvSys version 1.2 ported to ANSI C by Matt Ackeret
 (BIN) advsys.lha
       Amiga executables of the AdvSys version 1.2 compiler
       and interpreter, by Dave Betz
 (BIN) advsys.tar.Z
       AdvSys source code version 1.2 by David Betz with
       additions for smart articles by Bill Randle
 (BIN) advsys.zip
       [same contents]
 (BIN) advsys_manual.zip
       Manual for AdvSys and TADS, a set of routines based
       on AdvSys. Also includes a sample game, Quest.
       Written by Roger Plowman.
       Note that this is unrelated to Mike Roberts' TADS
       or Alex Warren's Quest authoring systems.
 (TXT) error-msgs.txt
       An explanation of AdvSys error messages
       by Jon Drukman
 (BIN) glkize-advsys.patch-0.1.gz
       Source code diffs for the Glk port of the
       AdvSys 1.2 interpreter, by Michael Chen.
 (BIN) standard.adi.Z
       Object oriented runtime package version 2.0
       by Brian Preble (AdvSys source code)
 (BIN) standard.zip
       [same contents]
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
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