11 items:
 (TXT) blorb-infocom-extension.txt
       A document specifying an extension to Blorb 1.1 to
       handle the original graphics of the four Infocom V6
       games, written by Kevin Bracey.
       [file is linked from infocom/media/blorb/blorb-infocom-extension.tx
 (BIN) blorb204_asciidoc.zip
       Blorb: An IF Resource Collection Format Standard,
       Version 2.0.4, by Andrew Plotkin, converted to
       AsciiDoc format by Tristano Ajmone.
 (TXT) blorb_format.txt
       Blorb: An IF Resource Collection Format Standard,
       Version 2.0.4, by Andrew Plotkin.
 (BIN) blorblib-102.tar.Z
       Blorblib 1.0.2, a library for use in a Z-code interpreter
       to read Blorb files, by Andrew Plotkin. Also contains the
       source for BlorbScan, a tool to read and analyze Blorb
 (TXT) blorbtar-0.1.patch
       A patch for Blorbtar 0.1 to correct a problem with
       the encoding and recognition of Glulx gamefiles, by
       D.J. Picton.
 (TXT) blorbtar-0.1.pl
       Blorbtar 0.1, a tarlike interface to Blorb files.
       Written in PERL by Evin Robertson.
 (TXT) blorbtool.py
       A Python script for examining and manipulating Blorb
       files, by Andrew Plotkin.
 (BIN) gblorb.zip
       Gblorb, a Blorb packager and extractor, written in
       Glulx Inform by Simon Baldwin.
       Serial number 060301
 (BIN) iblorbb.zip
       IBlorb, a Blorb 2.0 packager and resource manager,
       by L. Ross Raszewski. MS-DOS executables.
 (BIN) iblorbs.zip
       IBlorb, a Blorb 2.0 packager and resource manager,
       by L. Ross Raszewski. C source code.
 (TXT) rezrov.c
       C source code for a utility that extracts resources
       from a Blorb file, written by Felix Grutzmacher.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/