Hugo is a text adventure compiler and runtime engine, written by Ke
       All the files in this directory and its subdirectories are by
       Kent Tessman, unless explicitly noted otherwise.
       Current version: 3.1.03 - 5jan2006
       7 Subdirectories:
 (DIR) examples
 (DIR) executables
 (DIR) library
 (DIR) manuals
 (DIR) old
 (DIR) source
 (DIR) utilities
       7 items:
 (TXT) changelog.txt
       Hugo changes log, starting with versions 2.5.01 and 3.0
 (DIR) examples
       a subdirectory containing Hugo programming examples and a
       link to the source code of complete Hugo games
 (DIR) executables
       a subdirectory containing compiled, executable versions of
       the Hugo compiler, debugger and runtime engine
 (TXT) hugo_license.txt
       The license under which Hugo is distributed.
 (DIR) library
       a subdirectory containing standard Hugo grammar and library
       definitions and routines
 (TXT) release.txt
       Release Notes - A Brief History of Hugo v1.0 - v3.0.04
 (DIR) source
       a subdirectory containing the complete C source code of the
       Hugo compiler, debugger and runtime engine
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
       This mirror is a public service of