9 items:
 (BIN) GtkGeas-0.1-linux-bin.tgz
       Linux/Gtk executable of Geas 0.1, an interpreter
       for Quest games by Mark Tilford.
 (BIN) WinGeas.zip
       Windows executable of Geas 0.1, compiled by
       Mark Tilford.
 (BIN) geas-osx-0.1.zip
       Mac OS X instructions and adapted source code
       for Geas 0.1. Adaption to X11/GTK on OS X by
       David Jones.
 (BIN) geas-osx-cmdline.zip
       Mac OS X command line version of Geas 0.1, by
       David Jones.
 (BIN) geas-src-0.4.tgz
       Source code for Geas 0.4, an interpreter for
       Quest games by Mark Tilford. Includes David Jones'
       Glk interface.
 (BIN) quest415.exe
       Quest 4.1.5, by Alex Warren. A free text
       adventure system for Windows, written by
       Alex Warren. This is the final 4.x version
       before Quest 5, which is a whole new system.
 (BIN) quest560.exe
       Quest 5.6, by Alex Warren. A free, open source
       (MIT) text adventure system for Windows, written
       by Alex Warren.
 (TXT) read-qsg1.pl
       Quest savegame reader, by Mark Tilford.
 (TXT) uncas.pl
       Compiled Quest disassembler, by Mark Tilford.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/