3 items:
 (BIN) WinPawIDE-60.zip
       WinPaw 6.0 IDE by Douglas Harter. Archive contains
       the Interactive Development Editor (IDE), which is
       used to create games.
 (BIN) unquill-0.11.0.zip
       UnQuill v0.11.0, by John Elliott.
       Reads a snapshot (Spectrum, Commodore and CPC
       formats are supported) of an adventure game written
       with the Quill, and can:
       Output textual listings of the game's data tables;
       Output Inform source code for the game;
       Output a Z-code version of the game;
       Run the game without an emulator.
       C source code, DOS and Win32 executables, plus
 (BIN) unquill-0.9.0.zip
       UnQuill v0.9.0, by John Elliott.
       Reads a snapshot (Spectrum, Commodore and CPC
       formats are supported) of an adventure game written
       with the Quill, and can:
       Output textual listings of the game's data tables;
       Output Inform source code for the game;
       Output a Z-code version of the game;
       Run the game without an emulator.
       C source code, CP/M and DOS executables, plus
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/