6 items:
 (BIN) beeb2sf.zip
       BBC executable to ScottFree convertor, by David Lodge.
       This program takes a BBC B or Electron executable of a
       Scott Adams/Brian Howarth adventure and turns it into a
       file usable by ScottFree. C source code included.
 (BIN) sac.tar.gz
       Scott Adams Converter; a small C program to convert
       "Adventure" files from the ASCII format used by
       Jim Veneskey to the more common TRS-80 ASCII format
       (which is used by ScottFree, too).
       By Bob Newell; C source code and documentation.
 (BIN) scott2zip.tar.gz
       Scott2Zip version 1.00, a Perl script to convert
       Scott Adams data files from TRS-80 or TI-99/4 format to
       Inform source code, by Bjorn Gustavsson.
 (BIN) scottcom-2.02-win32.zip
       ScottCom version 2.02, Windows executables, originally by
       Bjorn Gustavsson and updated by Stuart George.
       A compiler for Scott Adams TI-99 adventure game files
       (not TRS-80 format).
 (BIN) scottcom-2.02.tar.bz2
       ScottCom version 2.02, source code, originally by
       Bjorn Gustavsson and updated by Stuart George.
       A compiler for Scott Adams TI-99 adventure game files
       (not TRS-80 format).
 (BIN) scottdec.zip
       Converts a Scott Adams data file to readable format,
       release 7, by Paul David Doherty.
       Includes C source code and an MSDOS executable.
       This file also contains TRS-80 format data files of the
       public domain games "Adventureland" and "Pirate Adventure"
       which can be played with ScottFree.
       The IF Archive is a public service of the
       Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation.
 (HTM) http://iftechfoundation.org/
       This mirror is a public service of 661.org.
 (HTM) http://661.org/