_______________ ABOUT Nicolas Herry _______________ 2017/03/23 1 About ======= I currently work for a large retail chain company in Norway as Engineering Manager, working with a happy bunch of brilliant people from all around the world, working hard to meet their own very high standards in developing the ideal backend and frontend platfom. In the past, I have worked as some kind of a Technical Manager for a very large company, which meant my daily routine used to mix defining, planning and applying Big Processes and advising on technical activities. Before that, I've been a Software Maintenance Manager, a start-up developer, a corporate developer, I ran a magazine devoted to teaching programming... On this website, I talk about OSes, code and anything that makes computing fun again, as well as photography, creative writing and any other thing I might find worth talking about! I have a [GitHub account] which I used to have a love/hate relationship with, and now simply have stopped using for personal stuff. I run [my own server], which includes my own, private forest of repositories. These pages are created using the following: - [GNU emacs] - [org-mode] - [FreeBSD] - [nginx] - [Gophernicus] For the website, I shamelessly stole the CSS from [Nicolas Petton's website], and tweaked it a little bit. Oh, and about the name: I love [them], I love [him], and I love horrible puns. ,---- | -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- | Version: 3.1.2 | GAT d+ s- a? C++ UB++++ P++++() L-$ E+++ W+++ | N+++(++) o+ K+++ w--- O M+ V PS++ PE-Y+>++ PGP | t++@ 5++ X++ R+++ tv b+++ DI++++ D--- | G++>+++++ e? h r+++ x+++ | ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ `---- [GitHub account] [my own server] [GNU emacs] [org-mode] [FreeBSD] [nginx] [Gophernicus] [Nicolas Petton's website] [them] [him]