---------------------------------------- Terror August 12th, 2017 ---------------------------------------- Today there was a Nazi rally in Charlottesberg, Virginia. During the protests and counter-protests an angry driver plowed through the crowd killing at least one person. The story is still developing. I was born in Virginia, though I don't think of myself as a native of that place. It really only comes up when questioned at border-crossings about my passport. It may not be home to me, but the United States of America still is. In the past year, since the election of Trump, I've seen the few bits of America that I valued and appreciated shattered to dust. The overwhelming movement of anti-intellectualism and bigotry disgusts me daily. I am swimming in a cesspool of hate and there is no recourse. My family has been trying to leave this country for years. I've applied for citizenship with Italy, and the moment that is approved I will give notice at my company and we will travel one-way away from this land. America is not the home of the brave or the free. If it ever was, it has long since become a moldy stain on top of that vision. I don't want any part of it. I don't want my son raised in this. People like to say things like, "if you don't like it, then get out." But there is no option to get out. Just like how we make the process of immigration to the United States impossibily difficult, the rest of the world does the same in reciprocity. I don't have the freedom to pack up my family and move to Canada. I can try to find a job that will sponsor a visa. Then I'll be an American citizen working abroad, and that is not the same. We'll do it if we have to, but I'm still hopeful that Italy will come through for me. My application has been in review for two years now, and I hope it doesn't take much longer. I want to live my life, and raise my family, in a land that celebrates individual freedom. I want a place where my family will be safe, not only from crime but also from hate groups and from its own police. I want a country that understands and embraces a world-wide vision, where you can celebrate your individual culture and heritage and still accept others. This should not be a fairy-tale. This should be accessible to us in this modern world. .