---------------------------------------- CGI TODO list and other gems September 22nd, 2017 ---------------------------------------- # TODO Lists & Gopher: I've converted my previously static todo list on this phlog into a dynamic cgi-bin script that pulls all my todo items out of the tool I wrote for command line use. Let me back up there for a second. First of all, I write a lot of bash nonsense for myself in the form of functions. Why functions? Mainly because of how easy it is to add autocompletion to them in bash, and because I've got them all hooked into my dotfiles repo and they happily deploy with next to no effort. Take my `todo` function [0] as an example. This sexy thing has a help file, changes context automatically based on your TMUX session name, can mark tasks completed with regex patterns and logs completed tasks to an archive with the completion datetime prepended. Fun & Profit! Anyway, I use it all the time on pretty much all my machines. Generally I sync the TODOs over Dropbox, but I have a unique set here on SDF. Well, now I've got a handy cgi script that pulls all my TODO files together, reads the context, and outputs them all prettily into gopher. You can keep tabs on me easily! (Small side-note, I have yet to decide if I should include my "completed" tasks in some fashion on the gopher page. I'm ignoring the archives for now. Thoughts?) # Other new goodies I've added a section on the gopher hole called "food". In it I have created a food log [1] and a recipe box [2]. To support these I've modified my "newphlog" script and made both "newfood" and "newrecipe". In an effort to get back on track with my diet I hope a simpler food log without all the overhead of calculations and dietary lookups will keep me on track. It's nice to have a simple index as well. The recipes in the box so far are ones I had added to AllRecipes before that site became a completely unusable advertising sink hole. The gopher manifesto is right about taking back hypertext. These simple things don't need all the bells and whistles! The majority of my recipes are on index cards in my cupboard. When I'm back home I'll start going through those and adding them here. If any of you have amazing recipes you want to share, I have a particular interest in: 1) Family recipes handed down with love and history 2) Historic or homesteading type things 3) Dutch oven recipes 4) Open fire recipes 5) Ketogenic recipes (low carb, high fat) Got any to share, hit me up. My email is at the bottom of the main menu to this gopher hole. [0] https://github.com/jamestomasino/dotfiles/blob/master/bash/.functions/todo [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/tomasino/food/log/20170921.txt [2] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/tomasino/food/recipes .