---------------------------------------- Snownews on SDF September 30th, 2017 ---------------------------------------- I like rss. I like newsbeuter. I do not like that newsbeuter doesn't work on SDF and I can't get any help from bboard to upgrade it to the newest git version. Pkgsrc has a horribly out-of-date version that fails to launch. Then there's snownews. I never had any luck with it in the past. It rejects most RSS feeds and pisses me off. There aren't many customization optons. I have tt-rss set up, but every time I want to login it tells me my password is wrong and I have to go reset it in maint. Half the time the site is down or too slow to use. It's also not available to me on the command line, where I live my life. If newsbeuter were working, I could route my tt-rss stuff through it for fun & profit, but... yeah. So I'm back to snownews, the only other option on SDF. Here's what I found: SNOWNEWS DOESN'T SUPPORT HTTPS! That's the heart of the problem. And the solution is pretty simple. Don't rely on snownews to fetch your content. When adding a feed, add it this way: exec:wget -q -O - https://web.address/of/a/feed Wget handles the request and passes it in to snownews and everything is good in life. Well, at least everything isn't complete crap. It's a start! PS: If you can help me get newsbeuter working on SDF I'll buy you ice cream .