|              |
                            _` |  _ \  _ \ |  |  _|
       This gopher hole is run by James Tomasino.
       If you read something interesting and would like to follow up with
       me, send me an email or find me on a social network. If you want to
       share your ideas please post your own phlog or blog or article and
       let me know about it.
             Primary : gopher://gopher.black
               Onion : gopher://r2idm52om4yk7qal2zi7rduys6omiaqjcxiqdbypulft7sbuuxx5myqd.onion
                                     |             |
                        _|  _ \   \   _|  _` |  _|  _|
                      \__|\___/_| _|\__|\__,_|\__|\__|
       wire:           jamestomasino
       signal:         410-929-3008
       mastodon:       @tomasino@tilde.zone
       irc:            tomasino@tilde.chat
       web:            https://tomasino.org
       voip:           202-3101@tilde.tel
       gemini:         gemini://tilde.team/~tomasino
       gemini:         gemini://tomasino.org
       email:          james@tomasino.org
       fingerprint:    368CD75F5CD5F1E9A72F639F4E0FEB0E09DDD7DF
 (TXT) public key
       -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----
       Version: 3.12
       GCC/H/L d- s-:+ a+ C++ U++ 
       P++ L++++ W+++ N++ PGP++ t+ 5++ X++ 
       R+++ tv+ b+++ D++ G- e+++ r+++
       ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------