       Kids are sometimes amazing
       October 04th, 2017
       Quick side note, my newphlog script is at like 96%. I'm trying to
       get it to automatically drop me down to the 6th line on vim start,
       but for some reason vim -c doesn't like a single number as a
       command on launch. I'm probably just being dumb.
       In news more relevant to my phlog title, my kid is the coolest
       (disclaimer: all parents think this, I'm pretty sure). We were in
       the car yesterday driving to the dealership where I was about to
       get my wife a new lease. He was chilling out in his car seat
       wearing his sunglasses that he refuses to leave the house without.
       That's when my five year old stares out the window and says,
       "Daddy, is this infinity?"
       "What do you mean, little man?"
       "The animals, and the people. Is this infinity?"
       "Do you mean do they go on forever?"
       "Yeah. Life."
       I explain about death but also about kids and so on. I think he's
       getting it. He settles back in his seat and looks out the window
       again. About two minutes later he whispers...
       "Dire Infinity"