       October 15th, 2017
       I converted my Mint laptop from KDE to i3 today based on some
       helpful feedback on Mastodon. I had no idea that it was so easy to
       install another window manager and swap between them. All you have
       to do is install the package, log out, and log back in!
       Anyway, i3 [0] is a fantastic minimalist window mananger that
       treats all your windows pretty much like tmux or screen treats
       terminals. You can split vertically, horizontally, resize, shift,
       launch things to different workspaces, etc. There's a ton of
       configuration you can do to really make it yours, but it's pretty
       stellar with the defaults. I changed a few of the key mappings
       around, added a screensaver and that's about it.
       I also messed with systemd and put my suspend settings in when
       closing the laptop lid. I've wrapped up screensaver and i3lock to
       make a cool minimal lock-to-resume thingy. Basically I feel like
       a wizard. All hail my basic linuxing!
 (TXT) [0] i3 Window Manager