       Terminals, Part 1
       November 05th, 2017
       I've been using konsole for my terminal for a while, mainly
       because I was a KDE user and it came with it. I really like that
       it supports the ligatures that are in my font of choice, Firacode.
       I also like that it supports all the colors I want, and
       I customized that scheme really well. Beyond that, I don't like
       that it's part of a window manager i don't use anymore. I don't
       like the amount of resources it pulls in. I don't like that
       I can't change the settings anymore because I hid the menu and
       can't remember how to un-hide it (it should be a dotfile!).
       So, I've been trying to go to xterm instead. Woo. As of tonight
       I got my xresources file working well enough that my fonts are at
       the right size and my color scheme is solid. I have been having
       a hell of a time getting unicode characters to display properly,
       though. After lots of reading, I think I know the problem: I can't
       figure out how to format my firacode fontName line to include the
       character encoding. I changed it to -misc-fixed-... and it's
       coming out right. I thought I could use xfontsel to figure it out,
       but I guess that only works with bitmap fonts, or maybe I don't
       know what I'm doing. xlsfonts gives me a nice list, but only for
       system fonts (I think) not those in a ~/.fonts folder.
       Next steps: get firacode working with unicode in xterm or uxterm.
       Then, double check that tmux copypasta still works like it should.
       Finally, get copy & paste working over SSH/mosh.
       Any advice from the peanut gallery?