       December 12th, 2017
       I was thinking about Goodreads this morning and it occurred to me
       that my book lists are probably available as RSS feeds. I took
       a look and I was right!
       I took my read books & currently reading books lists and fetched
       them via curl and piped them to xmlstarlet to parse. I grabbed the
       book names & authors, and output the results to a text file on my
       gopher hole [0][1].
       I wanted to run this as a cgi originally. I got it all working to
       standard out, but on SDF, cgi's run with very little access to the
       systsem and xmlstarlet is not allowed. Instead I set up a cron to
       run my script each night at midnight. We'll see how that goes,
       I guess.
 (TXT) [0] Recently read books
 (TXT) [1] Reading books