       January 01st, 2018
       A brand new year, like a brand new day, brings opportunity for
       change. There's plenty I'd like to change.
       I want something different this time. I want time to belong to me
       rather than be its slave.
       The computer in my office is the first culprit. I settle in at my
       desk in the evening and find infinite ways to occupy myself. At
       the end of the night I go to bed dissatisfied with my choices. Why
       didn't I spend that time practicing my music, or using my spinning
       Should I avoid computers in the evening? That sounds like
       a blanket resolution that is easy to recite and impossible to
       fulfill. Beside which, the computer isn't the problem. It is
       a symptom of a problem I have. 
       My resolution for 2018 is to use the time I have available doing
       the things that interest me and to avoid the traps of laziness.