       awk is the best
       January 23rd, 2018
       I have a section on this phlog called "Current Books" [0]. That is
       the output of a cgi script that queries my Goodreads reading list
       via RSS, selects the relevant data, formats and displays it.
       This is the heart of that script. It's 1 line of code.
       (Fake linebreaks for easy reading)
       curl -s "<RSS FEED>" |
         /usr/pkg/bin/xml sel 
           -m "/rss/channel/item"
           -v "title"
           -o "^"
           -v "author_name"
           -o "^"
           -v "book/num_pages" -n |
         awk 'BEGIN { 
                print "Books I am currently reading:" 
              $3 ~ /[0-9]+/ {
                books=(books $1 "\n  by " $2 "\n") 
              END {
                print "(" pages " pages left to read)\n", books 
              }' |
         fold -s -w 66 >
       I love awk and I don't get to use it nearly enough.
 (TXT) [0] Currently Reading