       Burrow evolves
       March 06th, 2018
       Big thanks to christyotwisty [0] for daring to be the first person
       to dive into the world of burrow with me. It was fun getting her
       up and running and I picked up a few todo items as a result. She's
       using burrow on the SDF cluster, which comes with a couple
       complications. Still, I think we managed to get everything running
       pretty quickly.
       Some notes from the experience:
         SDF Specific Stuff
         - SDF umask settings are weird by default. Had to change those
           to 022 to get her posts to show up automatically.
         - PATH variables are also lacking by default. I carry my
           dotfiles with me from system to system so I hadn't noticed. We
           couldn't run "source" at one point because of it, though.
         Burrow Specific Stuff
         - Christy wants to add categories to her phlog. My phlog action
           in burrow currently assumes a single directory and posts over
           time or alphabetically (if you're weird). I'll have to think
           about how best to add category support, or maybe tags? Hmm...
         - There were some pain points in updating burrow when not
           cloning the repo and using git commands. This led me to add a
           new action to burrow: update-burrow.
           "burrow update-burrow" will attempt to auto-update the
           application. If you are running it from a local folder that is
           a git repo, it'll pull the latest version of the repo. If you
           have it in a local non-repo folder it will attempt to use cURL
           to update each of the files in that directory that start with
           "burrow" (the app, man page, and bash-completion). If you have
           installed the app with "sudo make install" you'll need to run
           "sudo burrow update-burrow" to update the app. It will not
           update the man page or bash-completion, though... just the
           app. If it gets a lot of use I may try to make it smarter and
           update more, but for now it's a good-enough feature.
           Oh, since it's sorta dangerous (as in it could break your
           burrow install) I prompt for confirmation on this one.
         - We needed to update the configuration file a bunch while
           getting started. Remembering where that is can be confusing
           for new users so I added another action: edit-config.
           "burrow edit-config" will open up your configuration file. If
           you don't have one it spits out a warning for now. I'll
           probably have that prompt to create one instead in the future.
           Perhaps that would be a good addition when I add the burrow
           menu interface. For now, good enough.
       Thanks again to christyotwisty. I'm looking forward to more phlog
       posts from you.
 (DIR) [0] christyotwisty