       On SDF Mirrors
       March 11th, 2018
       jynx got me thinking [0] about mirroring of content on SDF like he
       does. I had dismissed the idea after my gophermap structural
       changes. In my RFC completeness I am including the full tabular
       structure of every link in my gophermaps, explicitly referencing
       gopher.black and port 70. In Gophernicus I could omit these and
       the server assumed it should reference itself. Motsognir actually
       does this as well, but I'm not coding to that server specifically.
       It's like thinking in terms of POSIX... stick to the spec, at
       least as much as you can.
 (TXT) [0] jynx - On my console experiment
       But that's still no excuse. I can happily mirror my gopher hole on
       SDF. Anyone reaching it will just immediately redirect to
       gopher.black after they follow the first link. That's not bad at
       I've been playing around with manual timestamp checking on files
       as part of burrow's way of detecting if you abandoned writing
       a new post so it can cancel. That same technique could be used on
       a cron-job that pulls my gopher git repo. If my gophermap
       timestamp changes, force-touch my gopher directory for the SDF
       listings. Hey! That's a neat idea!
       Okay, okay... I've moved my stuff for safety and stability, but
       there's absolutely no harm in having a mirror there. Hell, I think
       I still have tilde.town mirroring it as well. I haven't checked in
       weeks. Yikes, I need to pop back in there.
       - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
             I N    O T H E R    U N R E L A T E D    N E W S
       I changed my colorscheme on this laptop tonight. It's all related
       to my eyes and the issues I've been having lately. I'll phlog
       about that soon
       Burow hit v1.3.0 tonight with the new strict-mode additions to its
       output. It "unformats" posts that you edit with it, and
       "reformats" them when you save. This way it's easy to write prose
       even on an edit without having to strip all the "i" types back out
       again temporarily.
       Dynamic DNS is working via a little python script and the
       namesilo.com api. It's on 4 hour cron. If something ever bumps my
       IP, that should be the max I'm offline for. Power outtages are
       another matter.
       Good luck to jynx on his upcoming trip. Sounds like a great time
       to focus and reset the brain. I don't have any text adventure
       ideas for you except maybe zork and its kin. They're available on
       GOG if you can run dosbox. I play Quest for Glory on my linux box
       a bunch. If you want to try a different style retro game, I've got
       a great one. It's called The Last Door. There's two out so far,
       but just pick up #1. It's a low-poly point & click (probably work
       fine on a touchscreen) mystery in the style of HP Lovecraft.
       Chilling and brilliant musical score. I highly recommend it.
       Definitely bring headphones... the sound is important to the
       gameplay at parts.
       yargo is talking troff too. There's troff everywhere! Where is my
       damned book!? ARRRGHHhhhhhhhn