       Exploding Eyeballs
       March 14th, 2018
       My eyes started causing me issues in November. I was driving home
       after work and the lights of the cars seemed cranked up to 11.
       There were halos and pulses on everything. My short drive home
       left me squinting and tearing up. By January, I couldn't continue
       looking at my computer screen after 4pm. I needed longer and
       longer breaks in order to recouperate. 
       I saw an eye doctor in February and got checked out. "It's good
       news and bad news," she said. "The good news is your eyes are
       perfectly healthy. There are no signs of glaucoma or cataracts,
       the retinas are healthy. Everything looks good." I nodded. "That's
       also the bad news. You shouldn't be having these issues."
       In the end, she recommended I get special glasses with amber tints
       to block the blue light. My first pair arrived yesterday.
       It's about 8pm now and I've been looking at screens all day. Just
       now my eyes are starting to dry up and feel tired. I think that's
       more acceptible than the 4pm thing. Still, I wish it wouldn't
       happen at all.