       CLI Tricks: n - note taking
       March 21st, 2018
       This is the first in a series of phlog entries where I will share
       some of my command line tricks, tips and scripts.
       ## n ##
       Note-taking in the terminal is a big deal for me. Whether I'm in
       a meeting or someone stops by for a quick interruption, I need to
       be able to jot down notes quickly and get at them again easily. To
       handle this I have built a helper function called "n". 
       Note: If you are familiar with my dotfiles [0] then you know
       I keep all these scripts in a folder called ~/.functions and
       source them as part of my .bash_profile.
       ### The Idea ###
       When I'm on the command line I enter the command "n" and it pops
       up a list of all my notes using the FZF [1] fuzzy finder. These
       have a nice preview window to the side so I can quickly scan what
       I'm looking for as I type in parts of the name. If I see what
       I need in the preview I can either hit ESC to quit back to my
       shell or ENTER to open up the note in my EDITOR.
       Creating a new note is easy:
         $ n monkeys
         > creates a new note in my NOTE_DIR called monkeys.md (I default
         > all my notes to markdown) and opens it in EDITOR
       Want to categorize them? Add a folder path:
         $ n animals/monkeys
         > creates a new note at $NOTE_DIR/animals/monkeys.md and opens
         > it in EDITOR
       You can search foldernames as part of the fuzzy-finding.
       The script also has bash-completion built-in. If you don't want to
       use FZF to browse for the file, just type part of the word and hit
       tab, like so:
         $ n mo<TAB>
         > n monkeys<ENTER>
       ### Requirements ###
       This requires FZF [1], a fantastic utility for fuzzy-finding. I'm
       sure you could port it to another tool if you really wanted,
       This also requires that you have an environment variable set
       called NOTE_DIR. For me that points to Dropbox where I have a
       notes folder. This means all my notes are generated and stored
       there and are shared across systems. I can even get at them 
       with my phone.
       ### The Source ###
         #!/usr/bin/env bash
         # Note taking function and command completion
         _n() {
           local lis cur
           lis=$(find "${NOTE_DIR}" -name "*.md" | \
             sed -e "s|${NOTE_DIR}/||" | \
             sed -e 's/\.md$//')
           COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$lis" -- "$cur") )
         n() {
           : "${NOTE_DIR:?'NOTE_DIR ENV Var not set'}"
           if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
             local file
             file=$(find "${NOTE_DIR}" -name "*.md" | \
               sed -e "s|${NOTE_DIR}/||" | \
               sed -e 's/\.md$//' | \
               fzf \
                 --multi \
                 --select-1 \
                 --exit-0 \
                 --preview="cat ${NOTE_DIR}/{}.md" \
             [[ -n $file ]] && \
               ${EDITOR:-vim} "${NOTE_DIR}/${file}.md"
             case "$1" in
                 rm "${NOTE_DIR}"/"$2".md
                 ${EDITOR:-vim} "${NOTE_DIR}"/"$*".md
         complete -F _n n
 (HTM) [0] tomasino's dotfiles
 (HTM) [1] FZF