       CLI Tricks: todo
       March 22nd, 2018
       This is part of a series of phlog entries where I will share some
       of my command line tricks, tips, and scripts.
       ## todo ##
       Everyone has a to-do app they love. Many of us have rolled our
       own. This is mine.
       It's another bash function that's auto sourced by my
       .bash_profile, offers bash-completion, and has a built in
       ### The Idea ###
       I organize my daily life in tmux by using sessions. I'm currently
       in a session named "personal". I also have "work" and "writing"
       and "music" and others. My goals for my to-do list manager are:
         - Super simple cli interface
         - Sync data between machines (again, cheating with dropbox here)
         - Contextual to-do list based on tmux session with fallback
         - Add items
         - Remove items by number or regex (good for groups of tasks)
         - Archive things I remove and add a timestamp (good for
         - A little help is nice
         - Bash-completion all the things
       ### How to use it ###
         $ todo -a "Some task"
         > 1 - Some task
         $ todo -a Another task
         > 1 - Some task
         > 2 - Another task
         $ todo -d 1
         > 2 - Another task
       Simple, right? You don't need to quote the todo item unless you're
       using special characters. You can pass the -d flag a number to
       remove that item, or a string and it'll do a regex match.
       Need more help on how to use it? Type:
         $ todo --help
       ### Requirements ###
       An environment variable called "$TODOFILE" is required that points
       to a specific text document where you want your to-do list saved.
       If you are in a tmux session, todo will use the directory of your
       $TODOFILE but rename the txt file to match your session name.
       Archives are saved in a file called XXXX.archive.txt where XXXX is
       your TODOFILE or session name.
       It probably requires GNU sed as well, but I haven't checked.
       ### The Source ###
       You can find the latest source here: [0].
 (HTM) [0] tomasino's dotfiles - todo function
         #!/usr/bin/env bash
         # Todo List & Completion
         _todo() {
           local iter use cur
           use=$( awk '{gsub(/ /,"\\ ")}8' "$TODOFILE" )
           use="${use//\\ /___}"
           for iter in $use; do
             if [[ $iter =~ ^$cur ]]; then
               COMPREPLY+=( "${iter//___/ }" )
         todo() {
           : "${TODO:?'TODO ENV Var not set. Please set to path of default todo file.'}"
           # If we are in a tmux session, name the file with the session name
           # If not in tmux, use the full $TODO env var for path/file
           if echo "$TERM" | grep -Fq screen && test "$TMUX" ; then
             sessname=$(tmux display -p '#S')
             todopath=$(dirname "$TODO")
           if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
             if [ -f "$TODOFILE" ] ; then
               awk '{ print NR, "-", $0 }' "$TODOFILE" 
             case "$1" in
                 echo "todo - Command Line Todo List Manager"
                 echo " "
                 echo "Creates a text-based todo list and provides basic operations to add and remove elements from the list. If using TMUX, the todo list is session based, using the name of your active session."
                 echo " "
                 echo "usage: todo                                 # display todo list"
                 echo "usage: todo (--help or -h)                  # show this help"
                 echo "usage: todo (--add or -a) [activity name]   # add a new activity to list"
                 echo "usage: todo (--archive)                     # show completed tasks in archive list"
                 echo "usage: todo (--done or -d) [name or #]      # complete and archive activity"
                 echo "${*:2}" >> "$TODOFILE"
                 if [ -f "$TODOARCHIVEFILE" ] ; then
                   cat "$TODOARCHIVEFILE"
                 if ! [[ "$2" =~ $re ]] ; then
                   match=$(sed -n "/$2/p" "$TODOFILE" 2> /dev/null)
                   sed -i "" -e "/$2/d" "$TODOFILE" 2> /dev/null
                   match=$(sed -n "$2p" "$TODOFILE" 2> /dev/null)
                   sed -i "" -e "$2d" "$TODOFILE" 2> /dev/null
                 if [ ! -z "$match" ]; then
                   echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") - $match" >> "$TODOARCHIVEFILE"
         complete -F _todo todo