       Quick Updates
       March 29th, 2018
       Lynx has added support for the + item type. You can find it
       working in 2.8.9dev.17. It displays with a prefix of (+++) to
       distinguish it from other menu items. I beleive sacc plans similar
       style of support.
       kichimi's server made moku-pona sad and hang while it was down.
       Luckily both he and Alex Schroeder are badass and a timeout was
       quickly added to the program. While Alex was tinkering, he also
       changed the display style of the generated gophermap to be more
       condensed. I dig it. You can see the results over here [0].
 (DIR) [0] Phlogs I follow
       zcrayfish has finally joined the phlog parade [1]. He also made me
       realize that .soy is a TLD! Make sure to add him to your lists.
 (DIR) [1] zcrayfish's phlog