       CLI Tricks: track
       May 31st, 2018
       This is a part of a series of phlog entries where I will share
       some of my command line tricks, tips, and scripts.
       ## track ##
       Fitness trackers are all the rage. Chances are that you've got one
       on you right now, weirdo. Collecting data about your own behavior
       is pretty neat. It's extra cool if you can do it in a way that
       doesn't also give that data away to nefarious strangers who want
       to take over the world, but I digress.
       I like tracking my shiz too. I've used my phone to count steps in
       the past, and I have a scale in my bathroom, and a tape-measure
       for my big belly. But where do I save those numbers so I can look
       back on my amazing progress of awesomeness later? I don't really
       want to hand that over to Google or MyFitnessPal. They don't need
       to know that stuff. I could just store it in text files for myself
       and parse them later.
       And that's exactly what I decided to do. I keep some csv files in
       dropbox, or in nextcloud, or in syncthing. But logging stuff in
       CSV files isn't really fun, so I wrote a little tracker app to
       help me out.
       Now you can enjoy the glory of my crappy little program too!
       First, grab a copy over on github [0] and install it.
 (HTM) [0] track
       It's really easy to use. Start by checking the man page or
       spitting out some help:
         $ man track
         $ track -h
       See how to use it? Great! You're done!
       But seriously, it is really basic. You can just add a new metric
       to track by tracking something to it for the first time. It allows
       only one data point per day. It doesn't care what format that data
       is in.
       There's probably easy ways to break it, so, um, don't do those.
       Do you have something you want to add to it to make it better?
       Cool! Make a pull request and gimme-gimme. I probably want that
       feature too.
       Oh, as a side-note, the data I used in my post "Fat" [1] all was
       logged with this script. I have an example in that post of how to
       generate a graph on the command line using the jp utility. Check
       it out.
 (DIR) [1] Fat
       Now that track is a bit more sophisticated, I can track my weight
       by typing:
         $ track -ac weight | jp -input csv -width 67 -height 25
       A bit of an improvement!