       Italian Citizenship
       July 21st, 2018
       Today I am officially an Italian citizen. I went though an
       extremely long process to claim my citizenship via a process
       called jure sanguinis. I proved, in essence, that I have always
       been an Italian citizen by way of birth since my ancestor who
       immegrated had children before becoming naturalized. Thus, his
       kids were born as Italians on foreign soil.
       My son also has Italian citizenship as a result, and we're going
       to file for my wife to get hers via marriage. I'll be getting
       a second passport soon, and when the dust settles, we'll be
       leaving the United States.
       If you read this phlog, you probably already know that our
       destination is Iceland, which will allow me residency now since it
       is part of the Schengen Agreement, just like Italy. Moving to
       Iceland as an American is a giant pain in the butt, but as an
       Italian it should be quite simple.
       This made my whole day, obviously, but it also helps me out in
       some bigger stress areas. I've been stressing about what to do
       next in my career. I have an opportunity to potentially move into
       a CTO role with a startup, which fascinates me and would challenge
       me quite a bit. It would also be an increased investment on my
       time, and I already work a lot. The job I'm at now is wearing on
       me more and more, and I don't see it as sustainable for very much
       longer. The move to Iceland represents a refocusing of priorities
       off of work and onto life. I'm planning on taking a significant
       pay cut, living more simply, and focusing on the family and
       hobbies. Since that timeline is finally "for real", it means that
       my current work troubles have an end in sight. That is powerful.
       While I finish getting all the papers in order for the family,
       we'll also be selling our house and moving into a much smaller
       apartment. We'll get rid of most of our things, place most of the
       leftovers into storage, and live on what we intend to ship. Once
       all that's in place, I'll be quitting my job, heading to Iceland
       on my own ahead of the family, and we'll live off the house sale
       money until I can find a new job, get us a new apartment, and
       arrange to move them over and meet me.
       I'm utterly thrilled!
       Oh, if any of you reading this are Icelandic, live or know someone
       in Iceland, or in any way could help me find something
       code-related to do in Iceland to get us settled I'd be extremely
       grateful. I run a technology team of web developers, front & back
       end. I also act as the digital strategy lead (pharmaceutical
       marketing) and head of analytics & reporting. I can code in JS
       extremely well, and prefer using vue, but can learn whatever. My
       php & python skills are a little rusty, but I can jump back into
       that in a heartbeat. Ruby? I guess I could do that too. I'm not
       much of a windows development guy, though.
       Need a programmer? Need someone to run a dev team? Need an
       analyst? I'm also good at balancing stuff on my chin!