       August 16th, 2018
       Today I tried in vain to accomplish something that should be
       relatively simple: to share my clipboard with remote terminal
       Here's the scenario I'm in:
        - I'm using a MacBook Air (work machine)
        - I mosh to gopher.black (raspberry pi)
        - I use tmux
       This shouldn't be so difficult, but it is. Here's a list of
       problems I've run into (and fixes):
        - macOS needs X installed first (XQuartz installed)
        - mosh doesn't seem to do x11 forwarding (used ssh -X or ssh -Y)
        - remote ssh didn't allow x11 forwarding (edited sshd_config)
        - local ssh config didn't allow x11 forwarding (edit .ssh/config)
       After all that, I now successfully can see a $DISPLAY on the
       remote when I connect! Hooray!
       But what's this? Copying something with xsel on the remote does
       a whole load of nothing? Awesome.
       Somedays I feel like I'm crushing this whole computer thing. Some
       days I just want to walk out into the woods and build a cabin.
       I think I'm gonna go read some Thoreau.