       August 25th, 2018
       I just installed weechat-android on my phone and boy are my arms
       tired. Wait, no... I mean, boy was that easy! 
       I set up a relay:
       /secure set relaypass yourmom
       /set relay.network.password "${sec.data.yourmom}"
       /relay add weechat 9001
       Then I opened up port 9001:
       sudo ufw allow 9001
       Then I went into my router and port forwarded 9001 to gopher.black
       (which runs my weechat).
       I downloaded the app from the play store like a heathen (it's on
       f-droid too, or direct from github). Opened up the configuration
       settings, clicked connect, and nothing worked!!!
       Then I closed the app, reopened it, and boom! Everything was fine.
       The interface is great. Very intuitive for swiping around. If
       you're an IRC junky and use weechat, check it out.