       3D Printing
       September 01st, 2018
       I bought a 3D printer. It's a FlashForge Finder, available on
       Amazon for somewhere in the $300-350USD range at present. It
       prints PLA but not ABS, has a decent sized print area, comes fully
       assembled, and has fair community support. The service that
       FlashForge offers is extremely responsive and helpful. Overall I'm
       quite pleased with the purchase.
       Since Tuesday I've been printing things almost non-stop. I've made
       an external spool holder to support bigger filament spools than
       the printer can handle normally. I've got a tool holder caddy on
       the box as well. I've made an Arduino Uno bumper/baseplate, a few
       toys for my son including squishy turtles and a fully articulated
       snail with shell that opens. As I'm writing this a book holder
       just finished.
       I'll be making some desk accessories soon, and then I think I'll
       take my first stab at designing my own piece by modifying the
       hanging tool-holder to make a glue-stick holder of the same style.
       3D printing is pretty fantastic. It's really easy, way faster than
       I expected, and the quality of this personally affordable model is
       suprisingly good. I can make real things!
       Oh, I made a few rings for my wife. She's allergic to metal, so
       this is perfect. I've sanded them down and I'm priming them now.
       Later today I'll paint and seal them for her. Isn't that exciting?
       I can design her jewelry, print it, post-process, and she can wear
       it all in the same day. That's some agrestic shit right there [0].
 (DIR) [0] Agrestic