       Moving, part 1
       November 12th, 2018
       The next few weeks will be hectic. On Sunday the family begins our
       two week family visitation excursion. We head to Raleigh, North
       Carolina first to visit my wife's best friend for a couple days.
       Then we head to Charlotte to see her family, my best friend, and
       have a massive Thanksgiving dinner (usually ~50 people). We have
       a day or two to recover and hang out with her family then we head
       to Myrtle Beach to see my parents. We'll spend a second
       Thanksgiving dinner with them (and get even fatter) before moving
       over to a beach condo for the rest of the week to finally relax.
       The beach condo is great. It's one of my happy places, at least at
       night, and this far off-season it's very quiet. Last year I got
       a lot of writing done, and I'm hoping for more of the same this
       time around. It's also a time to dive deep into my Icelandic
       studies and really pound in some hours. It's been going well, but
       I wish I could dedicate more time each day.
       When we return home the house will be mostly packed and
       disassembled. We'll crash one night all together in the master
       bedroom, and then the movers arrive. Half of our stuff has been
       trimmed, sold, given away or donated. Of the remaining things,
       some will move to our new apartment and the rest goes into
       storage. That storage will eventually go to Iceland in July or
       into long-term storage down in Charlotte. Hopefully we'll be able
       to trim a bit before then, though.
       Once we spend a few days moving in and getting settled, we settle
       on the sale of the house. With that clear I'll have about a week
       before the Christmas holiday hits. Flash, bang, New Years!
       I did say things are hectic, right?
       Once we're clear of the new year the hard-core planning for the
       Iceland move begins in earnest. I forsee a binder.